617翻译会分三段发,不定期更新。首先先发全文 (图片转发自 @lilylvmichael) There is a somber glow emanating from all things, like sunlight through the belly of an afternoon storm cloud. When people fall, I see the coming of strength. And when they reach great heights, I see the precarious ledge on which they stand. When I look at a flower, I see its birth, an unremarkable seed, I see its vibrant glory as a barely legal, perfumed temptress, and I see its old age as the petals curl, fall, and dry to a crisp. To me, no moment in its life is more beautiful than another, for798201125Skylar Grey by fan16166贴在一张帖子上吧092049138好惨淡阿。 在榜4周,Peak70,总销量26,530张(首周都卖2W张,请问后面大半年怎么了),当天销量40张 这个应该是全美销量70其实我只是一个脑残天灰粉 这里是一楼 于是我只是热爱Youtube刮视频。。 http://weibo.com/su0124 依然不定期更新的微博- -7自己可以check it out http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1662805379&uk=322326 密码:p1vv4120710包含新专辑试听,七点直播!!1448381楼不给看!!!给天灰!!!50Skylar于当地时间2013年2月26参与What’s Trending节目宣传新专Don't Look Down16此楼更新天灰在Jay Sean推荐下新开的Keek8Interview: Skylar Grey on The Woods, Uncertainty and Rebirth FEB 122013 by Jen Engevik1421好长呢,大概就是非常感谢粉丝,2013年会有很多活动。 内容将复制在二楼。