0求方法 如果有的话
0经核实吧主liuqiang112828 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 atom编辑器吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
13首现。我们在百度搜索 “字体下载”,进入字体下载官网,然后你们喜欢什么字体就下载,字体文件后缀格式为 “.ttf” ,如 : 华文细黑.ttf
4Notable Changes Opens the initial untitled editor behind the welcome panes, correctly revealing the welcome guides for people running Atom for the very first time.
0首先说编译用script插件 为什么不支持scanf呢?这个问题我之前一直以为是自己设置不对造成的。国内也不容易找到答案,后来在国外的论坛看到了,说是不支持。说一句,给有同我一样问题的人。 第二个,c语言语法补全可以自己设置吗?有些补全用着不适应啊。 问题表述完毕。
2Notable Changes More package-related UI improvements have been made to the Settings view Markdown Preview now includes CSS when saving HTML Notifications are now shown when a package fails to load or activate Speed up selectAll on a buffer with many folds
2Notable Changes Indentation is now preserved across soft-wrapped lines. Improved performance when editing multiple cursors. Fold indicators now only appear in the gutter for the first segment of soft-wrapped lines. Computation associated with blinking the cursor is now only performed when an editor is focused, saving energy when Atom is in the background. Fixed an issue on Windows where the installer would corrupt the Path environment variable in certain cases.
2Notable Changes The find-and-replace package now supports multiple root folders Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented copying and moving files in the tree-view with multiple root folders Fixed a regression where multiple space-delimited highlight decoration classes threw an exception Fixed a bug in the git-diff package that caused exceptions when changing the project path Implementing and exporting an activate function in your package's main module is now optional
2Notable Changes The fuzzy-finder and git-diff packages now support multiple root folders Fixed an issue causing apm install --check to fail Fixed an issue where opening files would incorrectly add root project folders to the tree view The 6to5 library has been renamed to babel so JavaScript files previously starting with 'use 6to5'; should now be updated to 'use babel'; Switched to updating the editor's DOM manually instead of using React.js for improved responsiveness and startup time Fixed an issue where the editor sometimes wouldn't scroll horizontally after deleting
2atom v0.182.0 2015年2月20日更新 更新内容: ·Atom can now be built using io.js 1.x and node 0.12.x ·Out of process deprecations are now reported when using the Task class ·Fixed an issue where false positives would be shown for deprecated selectors in package stylesheets ·Atom's tree-view can now contain multiple root directories