0经核实吧主玫莉蔻 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 phelps吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
2我们吧里的 。群。。(928-938) 竟/猜/比/赛/挣/钱,送,礼,品 [phelps]
2即使遥远.即使不现实.我也会继续喜欢.继续支持. Dear.你知道么.对你的思念从未停止过. 我的心只可以容纳你.Because I really Love you. 那些关於你的所有回忆.我保留在了内心的最心底. 我不知道还有多少人来骂Allison这个人.死花痴.死脑残. 可是 我还是希望自己不要再去介意这些人说的话. 我不知道还有多少人来劝说Allison.不要那麼喜欢菲尔普斯这个
11为什么吧里总这么冷清,phelps吧就办不起来呢? 唉,照理说Michael Phelps是米国人,这个吧应该更火才对啊!
278不知道有人发过没,反正贴出来大家一起分享吧。 要把结果回复下来哦。。。声明:我们是CJ的.... http://www.mcbao.com/other/7962.php
4Such a loser!
7虽然已经开始上学了 在学校中听样也遇到了许多的困难 但是 看过菲训练的图片过后 难以承受的负重 让我鼓起勇气去面对 相信1.定有很多和我一样在学习的亲们吧 为了 菲 努力哦 上海见!
8Do you know love , Phelps ?Do you know Angel Lover ?Angel Lover means , a boy and a gril fall in love and make for each other , then you are The Angel Lover !Can you find your gril friend ?Are you sure your gril friend is America president's daughter ?
11以前虽然也听说过~~可是听同学说他拽得 所以也没太在意!!可是 今年 真正去了解他的时候 ~~...... 太喜欢了!!可爱 好奇 精力充沛 努力!!还有他学中文得视频实在太可爱了!!!!!
19此游戏转自某BBS,很多吧都有,还曾创下了4000多个跟帖的纪录 希望在这里可以破“4000多个跟帖”的纪录。 现在我来说明规则—— 我,会首先问一个问题, 然后,下一楼的要如实回答, 然后他再问一个新问题。 再下一个人回答后他的问题后,再提出新的问题........ 就这样一直循环下去 好了,我现在开始提问: 楼下的:如果小菲来到你家门口你会怎么办?
11Baltimore celebrated its native son Saturday night after watching Michael Phelps make history at the Olympic Games, thousands of Raven fans stayed at M&T Bank Stadium after Saturday's preseason game cheering! .
4他的意思是说:中国奥运办的这么好,我们还开个球啊! 麦吧看到的··
32我先,呵呵~~ 1
241.太过于表现自己,个人单项,个人混合,有时甚至接力的活都被他抢着干了,让队友们都面临失业 2.不注意个人健康,再一天坚持多场比赛,万一过于劳累了国家队还损失巨大,简直对自己队一点感情都没有 3.在场上的每一分钟都拼得太凶太猛,无论什么比赛都能勇夺第一,还抢了队友应该获得金牌机会 4.硬是凭借一个个金牌把索普这样的一代宗师都挤到退役,甚至被迫离开,真是一点都不懂得尊敬前辈 5.得到的掌声太多,抢了队友应该得到的那一份,太不厚
21我先来 QQ:873742230
3Hey guys, Happy Friday! I am happy to be home in Baltimore, been getting some practices in with the team. As you know, I am a big fan of music…especially when I am getting ready for a race. A few of you have been asking what I was listening to at Worlds before my races so thought I’d let you in on it….was all Young Jeezy (the 100fly was "Go Getta"). Check out the latest video from H2O Audio where I talk about music. Have a good weekend!
5hi guy! i'm new here.just found this phelps bar.any different with 菲尔普斯吧?there are so many rules in 菲尔普斯吧...i really hate that..so i swim to this bar..compared with the菲尔普斯吧..this bar is really cold..i'm afraid it's true right?but we can do it better...in this bar we can totally say what we want to say without worrying about be delated which the other bar always do that..and sometime we don't have freedom to speak...so though there were more pictures more text more members in that bar..but we can do better than that..more than a singl
0Do you think this a bit arbitrary, there must be a format? and,I want to say maybe 雪X雪‘s ideas it’s good?about you?idea of how?
16http://www.vvcome.com/html/62/n-3462.html 去看看吧,因为1秒钟而丧失的...