0经核实吧主jonsster 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 yourfavoriteenemies吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
6LZ已经在重庆整装待发了XD【12年错过了一次怎么可能错过第二次】 发图发视频快搞起来
4YFE的歌词在米国流传度远比音乐高啊(汗 摘选几句汤不热较热的。有兴趣的童鞋可以品读一下什么的……
2youku传不上 115 anev54kk
2115 dnrumueu
2www.baidu.com July 14, 2011
2www.baidu.com 度娘乖(泪目)
2www.baidu.com 不跟度娘打好关系行么???被百度吞了两遍QAQ
1谁能联接到我的心?一个点击鼠标般简单的邀请 你们好,亲爱的朋友们 :) 你们大多数人应该都在想着过暑假了,甚至可能考虑在电脑屏幕10米开外待个两个
2一楼不百度,度娘不干 June 17, 2011
8Our first night in Chengdu has been pretty short, for many reasons I guess… we spent part of the night in a little cafe, we had a few cups
1How's it going in studio since Your Favorite Enemies came back from tour? Find more in @Miss_Enemy newly released blog!
2Minutes before performing their soundcheck, Alex is sharing a little glimpse of the excitement experienced by the whole band slowly discove
6Leaving for China in a few hours!!!!! The guys decided to travel with only the minimum, and this is how turned out!!! Guess what suitcase b
1郑州的演出中,主唱Alex两次跳水,连贝斯手Ben都跟着往下跳 在武昌站演出中,Alex从二楼之间跳到一楼的人群中,还把自己的肋骨给摔折了。 Alex的跳水
1- Did you take pictures at the last show wearing your sandals? Alex asked me. - No, I replied, I was wearing shoes. I will change later to
0Sitting in my bed as the clock is gently reminding me it turned 2am twenty minutes ago, I can’t fall asleep without telling you a wonderful
1Alex gave an interview to the biggest and most popular website in Beijing, about the band… In the midst of the craziness of this tour, he s
00From a quiet city of the Dragon’s land The fire of Suzhou will keep on rising 2011-05-25 Our morning started very early, something like 50And this is wonderful… It’s pretty calm this morning, the sky hasn’t decided the nature of the mood we should be living today… The sun h0The True Nature Of The Spirit… The People!!! 2011-05-25 00:29:11 I will always remember tonight, as I’m leaving this city enjoying a deep0I’ve just seen the special “Alex’s way to feel peaceful salvation” collection of pictures Stephanie is about to post… No wonder why my0I just had a shower… Which is the best way to find out about the real condition of my damaged body now… when I feel new burning places, ne12Your Favorite Enemies 是加拿大真正的DIY乐队。他们全权管理自己的乐队,通过自己独立的唱片公司发行专辑,当然,他们也为自己计划并预定全世界的巡1记住,YFE不是Emo0亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到yourfavoriteenemies吧! 您可以在本吧内发表留言,并与其它来到这里的朋友分享交流。祝您在贴吧玩得愉快~ 贴吧楼委会