艾达肯尼迪吧 关注:58贴子:1,273




1楼2011-02-24 18:42回复
    1 - Tear gas      催泪瓦斯
    2 - Jump hit     
    3 - Push enemy away (used when saving partner from majini grab) 推开敌人(用于救伙伴)
    4 - Kick
    5 - Stun rod
    6 - Knee someone in the head (can't remember name of move)
    7 - Rump shaker? (not sure if I remember name)
    8 - Flamespray
    9 - Jill's Double Kick (unused)
    10 - Save partner from licker tongue/flying las plagas grab (knife slash)
    12 - Save partner from licker tongue/flying las plagas grab (vertical knife slash)
    13 - Double flame spray
    25 - Pick up item from ground
    26 - Pick up item from table/desk/etc
    85 - Looking left and right (idle animation) (same as one of Sheva's idle animations)
    86 - Left hand touching chin (idle animation) (same as one of Sheva's idle animations)
    87 - Right hand under chin (idle animation)
    88 - Holding arms behind back and looking around (idle animation)
    89 - Salute and thumbs up (taunt animation)
    90 - Causes a crash!
    109 - Being resuscitated
    110 - Reload animation for Jailbreaker while aiming upwards
    111 - Reload animation for Jailbreaker while aiming forward
    112 - Reload animation for Jailbreaker while aiming down
    113 - Majorly distorted. Most probably not converted properly

    2楼2011-02-24 18:44
      1 - Lights out
      2 - Burton boot
      3 - Punch (Save partner from majini grab)
      4 - Miranda rights
      5 - Hurricane
      6 - Some kind of long downward strike? I don't recognize it.
      7 - Gun bash
      8 - Knee kick (can't remember name of move)
      9 - Headbutt
      10 - Save partner from licker/flying las plagas grab (knife slash)
      13 - Barry Sandwich
      14 - Majini being grabbed by barry's headbutt?
      15 - Grabbed and then thrown back?
      16 - get dowen (dodge)
      80 - "Cover" command while crouching (take cover command)
      83 - (idle) relax standing
      84 - (idle) loop standing
      85 - (idle) look around
      86 - (idle) Wipe the sweat from the forehead
      87 - (idle) moving the arm
      88 - (idle) Cleaning the dust from the arm
      89 - Taunt
      !90 - crash game!
      91 - (idle Partner) Thumbs up
      92 - (idle Partner) hey baby
      93 - shaking body
      94 - Put down the Flamethrower on the ground
      107 - take an item very fast
      108 - Load the Rocket Launcher while partner is holding it (Hanger)
      109 - Ressuscitate partner
      110 - Ressuscitated by partne
      111 - Ressuscitate partner 2
      112 - Ressuscitated by partne 2
      113 - Knife aim up
      114 - Knife aim forward
      115 - Knife aim down
      116 - taunt back?
      117 - no idea
      118 - no idea
      119 - looking down

      3楼2011-02-24 18:44
        1: Backhand
        2: Power Kick
        3: Barrel Roll
        4: Elbow Drop
        5: Drop Kick
        6: Chokeslam
        7: Suplex
        8: Iron Tackle
        9: Hammer Blow
        13: Maximum Straight
        14: Chokeslam Reaction
        15: Suplex Reaction
        83: Idle 1
        84: Idle 2
        85: Idle 3
        86: Idle 4
        87: Idle 5
        88: Idle 6
        89: Taunt 

        5楼2011-02-24 18:45
          1: Finger Wag
          2: Hair fix
          3: Shrug
          4: Frustrated Stomp
          5: Knuckle crack
          6: Lost sight of the player
          7: Put on glasses
          8: Taunt
          9: Look around
          10: Laugh at the player
          11: Exhausted
          99: Preparing to tele-dash
          100: Stun strike
          101: Fist impale
          102: Fist impale Hit
          103: Panther Fang
          104: Tiger Uppercut
          105: Ram Horn
          106: Kung Fu pose then tele-dash
          107: Elbow Thrust
          108: Preparing Windfall
          109: Windfall Hit, keeping player pinned down
          110: Windfall miss
          111: Windfall, player escapes
          112: Windfall, pull out pistol
          113: Windfall, shoot the player, then let go
          114: Quick Dash
          115: Stunned
          1: Chris, Get hit by Dash Knee and Cobra Strike (goes to knockdown animation in pl00damage)
          2: Chris, counter attack
          3: Chris, Dodge Rhino Charge 1
          4: Chris, Dodge Rhino Charge 2
          5: Chris, Killed by Rhino Charge
          6: Chris, Combo 1
          7: Chris, Combo 2
          8: Chris, Combo 3
          9: Chris, Combo 4
          10: Chris, Combo 5
          11: Chris,Preparing to dodge Rhino Charge
          12: Chris, Grabbed by Wesker
          13: Chris, Grab knife and counter
          14: Chris, Thrown by Wesker
          15: Chris, Hit by Wesker's sweep kick
          16: Chris, Killed on the ground, by Windfall
          17: Chris, Windfall dodge roll
          18: Chris, Grab Wesker
          19: Chris, Struggle to hold Wesker
          20: Chris, Release Wesker
          21: Chris, Inject Wesker
          22: Chris, Final Rhino Charge dodge
          23: Chris, Preparing to counter the Rhino Charge
          24: Chris, Preparing to dodge the Rhino Charge
          25: Chris, thrown over Wesker's shoulder
          26: Chris, stunned by Wesker's Stun Strike
          27: Chris, Killed by fist impale
          28: Chris, hit by Elbow Thrust
          29: Chris, Hit by Windfall, struggling to get Wesker's foot off
          30: Chris, Successfully pushed Wesker's foot off and got back up
          31: Chris, Lying on the ground before Wesker uses Windfall
          32: Chris, Dodging Wesker's Windfall
          33: Chris, Seeing Wesker pull out his pistol
          34: Chris, Killed by Wesker on the floor
          35: Chris, Preparing to dodge the Stun Strike
          36: ??? (Distorts the body)
          37: ??? (Distorts, again)
          38: Jill, Get hit by Dash Knee and Cobra Strike (goes to knockdown animation in pl00damage)
          39: Jill, counter attack
          40: Jill, Dodge Rhino Charge 1
          41: Jill, Dodge Rhino Charge 2
          42: Jill, Killed by Rhino Charge
          43: Jill, Combo 1
          44: Jill, Combo 2
          45: Jill, Combo 3
          46: Jill, Combo 4
          47: Jill, Combo 5
          48: Jill,Preparing to dodge Rhino Charge
          49: Jill, Grabbed by Wesker
          50: Jill, Grab knife and counter
          51: Jill, Thrown by Wesker
          52: Jill, Hit by Wesker's sweep kick
          53: Jill, Killed on the ground, by Windfall
          54: Jill, Windfall dodge roll
          55: Jill, Grab Wesker
          56: Jill, Struggle to hold Wesker
          57: Jill, Release Wesker
          58: Jill, Inject Wesker
          59: Jill, Final Rhino Charge dodge
          60: Jill, Preparing to counter the Rhino Charge
          61: Jill, Preparing to dodge the Rhino Charge
          62: Jill, thrown over Wesker's shoulder
          63: Jill, stunned by Wesker's Stun Strike
          64: Jill, Killed by fist impale
          65: Jill, hit by Elbow Thrust
          66: Jill, Hit by Windfall, struggling to get Wesker's foot off
          67: Jill, Successfully pushed Wesker's foot off and got back up
          68: Jill, Lying on the ground before Wesker uses Windfall
          69: Jill, Dodging Wesker's Windfall
          70: Jill, Seeing Wesker pull out his pistol
          71: Jill, Killed by Wesker on the floor
          72: Jill, Preparing to dodge the Stun Strike

          7楼2011-02-24 18:48

            8楼2011-02-24 19:10

              9楼2011-02-24 19:26

                10楼2011-02-24 19:27

                  11楼2011-02-24 19:47
                    12楼2011-02-25 01:13

                      13楼2011-02-25 12:13

                        14楼2011-02-25 13:10
                          http://u.115.com/file/f42ca08f91# em83act.lmt
                          http://u.115.com/file/f419f7f11a# em83evt.lmt
                          http://u.115.com/file/f4d1c60341# em83nml.lmt
                          1 - Fancy forward flip
                          2 - Forward roll
                          3 - Left roll
                          4 - Right roll
                          5 - Backward roll
                          6 - Jump down from ledge
                          7 - Landing while jumping down
                          8 - Getting grabbed by player
                          9 - Being grabbed by player
                          10 - Getting loose from grab by kicking player
                          11 - Variation of 11
                          12 - Taking a step back into a normal pose
                          13 - Several backflips (the animation she does when spawning)
                          1 - Getting thrown forward
                          2 - Chris throwing Jill (animation for Chris)
                          3 - Jill getting grabbed (animation for Chris)
                          4 - Jill being grabbed (animation for Chris)
                          5 - Chris being knocked back after grabbing Jill (animation for Chris)
                          6 - ?
                          7 - Getting thrown backward
                          8 - Sheva throwing Jill (animation for Sheva)
                          9 - Jill getting grabbed (animation for Sheva)
                          10 - Jill being grabbed (animation for Sheva)
                          11 - Sheva being knocked back after grabbing Jill (animation for Sheva)
                          12 - ?
                          1 - Stand idle
                          2 - Walk forward
                          3 - Walk forward while looking left
                          4 - Walk forward while looking right
                          5 - Run forward
                          6 - Running forward while leaning left
                          7 - Running forward while leaning right
                          8 - Walk backward
                          9 - Quick 180 turn around
                          10 - Turn left 180 degrees
                          11 - Turn right 180 degrees
                          12 - Run->idle or walk->idle animation?
                          13 - Equip weapon
                          14 - Start aiming upwards
                          15 - Start aiming forward
                          16 - Start aiming downwards
                          17 - Aim forward->idle animation
                          18 - Aiming upwards
                          19 - Aiming forward
                          20 - Aiming downwards
                          21 - Shooting upwards
                          22 - Shooting forward
                          23 - Shooting downwards
                          24 - Reloading while looking upwards
                          25 - Reloading while looking forward
                          26 - Reloading while looking downwards
                          27 - Legs only animation. Some kind of idle animation?
                          28 - Same as 27?
                          29 - Another legs only animation. Leaning backwards?
                          30 - Same as 27?
                          31 - Same as 27?
                          32 - Same as 29?
                          33 - Turn left 90 degrees (legs only)
                          34 - Turn right 90 degrees (legs only)
                          35 - Same as 33?
                          36 - Same as 34?
                          37 - Turn left with odd animation (legs only)
                          38 - Turn right with odd animation (legs only)
                          39 - Long and weird leg animation
                          40 - Same as 39?
                          41 - Same as 39?
                          42 - Stand still? (1 frame animation)

                          15楼2011-02-25 15:10

                            21楼2011-02-26 00:16

                              22楼2011-02-26 11:06