Running To The Edge Of The World
Remember when I took you up to the top of the hill?We had our knives drawn.They were as sharp as we were in love.If god crossed usWe'd take all his drugs,Burn his money and his house down,And wait for the fire to spread.记得我带你攀援山巅的时光吗你我各自出鞘的匕(和谐)首如此锋利尖锐得恰如我们曾经深切的爱要是神灵降罚于我们就夺走属于他的药物焚尽他的钱财与房屋放纵这烈火恣(和谐)意蔓延
But sometimes hate is not enough to turn this all to ashes.Together as oneAgainst all othersBreak all of our wings to make sure it crashes可有时憎恨并不足以让它们挫骨扬灰你我亲(和谐)密如一共同对抗世界双双撕碎羽翼只为确信最终并肩沦陷
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
I had no choice,I erased the debt of our family,Let you say goodbye With lips like dynamite.And everyone Turned their backsBecause they knew When we held on tightTo each other,We were something fatal,That fell into the wrong hands.我别无选择只能抹去我们遗留过往的种种亏欠任你唇边轻描淡写一句再见如烈性炸(和谐)药般摧毁我的世界所有人都选择对此视而不见他们早已明白我们往昔的亲(和谐)密无间于彼此只是注定无可逃避的致命错误
But sometimes hate is not enoughTo turn this all to ashes.Together as oneAgainst all othersBreak all of our wings toMake sure it crashes可有时憎恨并不足以让它们挫骨扬灰你我亲(和谐)密如一共同对抗世界撕碎我们的羽翼来担保最终并肩沦陷
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
We don't seek death, we seek destruction Death, we seek destruction 我们不求死亡,只求毁灭死亡,请让我们奔向毁灭
We don't seek death, we seek destruction Death, we seek destruction 我们不求死亡,只求毁灭死亡,请让我们奔向毁灭
See a new beginning rise behind the sun We could never catch up to it As fast as we run 新的起点正藏在日光之后冉冉升起我们竭尽全力追寻却永远无法触及
Remember when I took you up to the top of the hill?We had our knives drawn.They were as sharp as we were in love.If god crossed usWe'd take all his drugs,Burn his money and his house down,And wait for the fire to spread.记得我带你攀援山巅的时光吗你我各自出鞘的匕(和谐)首如此锋利尖锐得恰如我们曾经深切的爱要是神灵降罚于我们就夺走属于他的药物焚尽他的钱财与房屋放纵这烈火恣(和谐)意蔓延
But sometimes hate is not enough to turn this all to ashes.Together as oneAgainst all othersBreak all of our wings to make sure it crashes可有时憎恨并不足以让它们挫骨扬灰你我亲(和谐)密如一共同对抗世界双双撕碎羽翼只为确信最终并肩沦陷
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
I had no choice,I erased the debt of our family,Let you say goodbye With lips like dynamite.And everyone Turned their backsBecause they knew When we held on tightTo each other,We were something fatal,That fell into the wrong hands.我别无选择只能抹去我们遗留过往的种种亏欠任你唇边轻描淡写一句再见如烈性炸(和谐)药般摧毁我的世界所有人都选择对此视而不见他们早已明白我们往昔的亲(和谐)密无间于彼此只是注定无可逃避的致命错误
But sometimes hate is not enoughTo turn this all to ashes.Together as oneAgainst all othersBreak all of our wings toMake sure it crashes可有时憎恨并不足以让它们挫骨扬灰你我亲(和谐)密如一共同对抗世界撕碎我们的羽翼来担保最终并肩沦陷
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
We're running to the Edge of the worldRunning, running awayWe're running to the edge of the worldI don't know if the world will end today逃离,从天涯到海角无休,无止,无尽逃离,从海角到天涯不知今天世界是否就此毁灭
We don't seek death, we seek destruction Death, we seek destruction 我们不求死亡,只求毁灭死亡,请让我们奔向毁灭
We don't seek death, we seek destruction Death, we seek destruction 我们不求死亡,只求毁灭死亡,请让我们奔向毁灭
See a new beginning rise behind the sun We could never catch up to it As fast as we run 新的起点正藏在日光之后冉冉升起我们竭尽全力追寻却永远无法触及