纸 币
1,000 Won:
Last issued in 1983 (151mm X 76mm)
正面:李滉(号 退溪),朝鲜时代著名学者. 背面: 陶山书院
The front pictures Toegye Lee Hwang, a scholar of the Joseon Dynasty, while the reverse shows Dosan Seowon, which was founded by his disciples to pay tribute to his achievements.
5,000 Won:
Last issued in 1983 (156mm X 76mm)
正面:李珥(号 栗谷),朝鲜时代另一位著名学者. 背面:乌竹轩 (李珥的诞生地)
The front pictures Yulgok Lee Yi who was a famous scholar of the Joseon Dynasty and who represents Korea along with Toegye Lee Hwang. The reverse side shows ojukheon, the house where Yulgok was born and raised.
10,000 Won:
Last issued in 2000 (161mm X 76mm)
The front pictures the Great King Sejong who created Hunminjeongeum, the Korean Alphabet, during the Joseon Dynasty. The reverse side shows Gyeonghoeru, a Korean palace which is representative of traditional Korean palaces and which is situated in Gyeongbok-gung.