零式ace吧 关注:113贴子:328
  • 14回复贴,共1




1楼2011-08-16 20:16回复
    作者的話:First time writing a one-shot for FF Type-0 and I think I did terrible… XP
    Anyways, I'm obsessed with Ace and Deuce. To me, I think they make a cute couple. Ace acts mature, but he's actually reckless and Deuce is really cute! XD
    But I'm not sure whether this is Romantic...
    But hope you enjoy this one-shot! XD
    Disclaimer: I do not own FF Type-0, but if I did, this couple would be official!

    (某亂入:其實我個人很難想象ace談戀愛是個什麽趕腳- -~)

    2楼2011-08-16 20:18

      This… this can't be destiny… no… it can't be…
      "Ace…? Is… is this… destiny?"
      Okay… this is really destiny…
      Ace felt his face blush as he stared back at Deuce, who was innocently looking at him. He licked his lips shakily, feeling his heart unable to pound-is he even breathing…?
      Oh shit… I… I don't know what to do…
      "Oh… so Kurasame was right…"
      Did Kurasame tell her about destiny…? Oh no… I'm… I'm…
      "We really have to do the mission together then." Ace couldn't help but let his mouth open agape as he stared at Deuce, hi? blue eyes widening unbelievably.
      Wait-she really doesn't know about this? Her words shocked him completely. Ace knew that "Dense" Deuce was really dense about everything, but to not know about having the same cards…
      Ace couldn't help but admit that indeed, Deuce is very dense.
      It was an awkward tension between them before Ace laughed.
      He really did laugh.
      He didn't care if anyone else heard his voice.
      Deuce was really dense and he was actually laughing.
      "Wha-what's so funny? Hey!" He felt a slap on his left shoulder, but he didn't mind. After all, he wa? busy laughing too much. Deuce stared at him wildly before grabbing both of his shoulders and shaking them, trying to get Ace to focus.
      "Ace! What's so funny? Are you even listening?" Deuce continued shaking his shoulders, even going as far as to slap his right cheek. But even with his right cheek burning, Ace continued to laugh. It was too much for him; he can't control his laughter.
      "Ah… ha ha…" Ace wiped some tears away from his eyes, "I… It's just too funny… you're… you're really stupid, Deuce!" He watched as Deuce widened her eyes at him, obviously confused.
      Oh wow… you're really dense…
      "Wha-what? Hey-wait a minute!" Deuce grabbed Ace by his red cape and pulled him closer to her, meeting him face-to-face, "I don't know what's going on, but-okay… will you stop laughing?" Ace still continued to laugh at her, feeling his cheeks turning pink from laughter.
      "Ha… sorry, but you're just… just so funny!" Ace breathed out between his laughs, "It's no wonder why everyone calls you 'Dense' Deuce-"
      "Ace! Don't say that name! I… I hate it! I really hate that name!" Deuce pouted angrily, but cutely, "A while ago, you were worrying over Izana's death and now-look at you! You're laughing crazy!" By the time he heard Izana's name, Ace stopped laughing, hi? blue eyes twinkling.
      "O-Oh…" He had forgotten why he was inside the classroom. Ever since Deuce came, that i?. But for some reasons, he felt… somewhat relieved having Deuce around. In fact, he was really happy and amused when she came. She took all his worries away just because she was dense. It was funny, but for some reasons, he felt unsettled. Deuce really didn't understand destiny, and Ace felt slightly disappointed. If she did know what it was, then they would've been dating-
      What the hell am I thinking? Deuce's anger diminished as she stared at him, feeling pity for him.

      11楼2011-08-16 20:30
        I think I did terrible here… XP
        (我覺得寫的不錯啦其實- -)

        13楼2011-08-16 20:34
          吧大你CL了- -

          14楼2011-08-16 20:36

            15楼2011-08-17 11:02

              16楼2011-08-17 11:02

                17楼2011-08-17 11:03

                  18楼2011-08-18 14:29
                    原来翻译还没得到授权么 =口=
                    @海洋中的萨满 乃咋么解释
                    p.s 乃这个名字容易@啊 

                    19楼2011-08-20 20:34
                      非常抱歉地說,是的- -

                      20楼2011-08-21 20:25
                        好吧,那暂时把翻译搁置好了,如果得到了授权要通知哦 =w=

                        21楼2011-08-21 20:29
                          诶诶居然擱置了- -?!

                          22楼2011-08-21 21:43

                            来自手机贴吧23楼2012-11-09 20:18

                              IP属地:四川来自手机贴吧24楼2013-02-20 00:16