Caela sanguine nigra.
Vates ignifer mortem canta.
Audite vatium pericula.
Vates ignifer mortem cantat.
The heavens as black as curdled blood
now firechanter, sing him to death
Thus listen you people, who treatens a bard
the firechanter sings him to death
Vates ignifer “燃火的先知”? 大概算所谓 firechanter “火法师” 吧
mortem canta! 歌唱死亡! 也许这里当“施展死咒”?说得过去。
Audite! 听着!
vatium pericula! vates的危险?vates的敌人?敌对vates的东西?貌似也说得过去。
Vates ignifer mortem cantat. Vates唱死丫们的(vatium pericula)。这样?