斑绝吧 关注:242贴子:2,465

【转】That Which Innocence Cannot Mask(译)



1楼2012-01-25 20:49回复
    (译者:因为这人只是高中毕业而且鸟语从来不及格……所以翻译得乱七八糟颠三倒四,请各路高手见谅。外,这个叫Manga的英国人是个典型的同人女,而且偏好冷门CP,甚至写过 小樱×左近 和 佐助×右近 这种离谱的大冷门……现在连绝×阿飞这样的CP也在她那里出现了..所以!……请大家一定要慎入……||)
    "谁在哪儿?" 说话也疼.而且他的声音…不太对劲,但他已经觉不出它跟过去有什么区别了.
    Tobi想了想. "我想这是因为,我不觉得您的长相和作风像除了您之外的任何东西.所以我并不惊讶."
    一只手,像Tobi左眼里的那片黑暗一样的黑色,伸出来揉了揉Tobi的头发. "你是个好孩子,Tobi."
    Tobi笑了. 这只手抚摸他头发的感觉很好.被夸奖的感觉更好.Tobi的脸颊像起火一样变得滚烫. “谢谢你, Zetsu-san.”

    2楼2012-01-25 20:50
      Tobi想了想. "我想这是因为,我不觉得您的长相和作风像除了您之外的任何东西.所以我并不惊讶."
      一只手,像Tobi左眼里的那片黑暗一样的黑色,伸出来揉了揉Tobi的头发. "你是个好孩子,Tobi."
      Tobi笑了. 这只手抚摸他头发的感觉很好.被夸奖的感觉更好.Tobi的脸颊像起火一样变得滚烫. “谢谢你, Zetsu-san.”
      Tobi第一次看到自己的长相那完全是出于偶然的.自从他的身体不再疼了之后Zetsu头一次让他出去,太阳已经升起,在阳光的照耀下所有的颜色都在闪光,Tobi看着这一切,禁不住的笑开了.他几乎完全没有注意到他们正在趟过的一条河,一条水流缓慢得可以看见你的倒影的窄小溪流,Tobi一直跟着它往前走,只是因为他很喜欢这水声,Zetsu在他旁边安静无私的看着他.在短短几十码之外河注入了一个池塘,不是特别大,但跟它的大小相比却是非常之深. Tobi怀疑里面有鱼.
      当Tobi头一次看到他自己时,他差点大叫起来. 他的脸…他的眼睛…虽然有一半面颊是完好而且光滑的,右边却非常丑陋,颧骨破裂塌陷,还有这么多伤痕…在本应该是左眼的地方,却什么也…没有.撇开一切不谈.光是那里的黑洞就好像是被人拿刀子剜了一般.
      Tobi想挪开视线,但除了凝视着倒映在水里的脸他什么都做不了.他丑得吓人.不是原来想象的那样(虽然他不记得自己的长相),也不是Zetsu那种奇妙的对称. 只是…丑陋.
      在Tobi的目光仍然停留在池塘面上的时候Zetsu走到他后面,耐心地等着他说出点什么.几分钟后,Tobi开口了. "你为什么不说话,Zetsu-san?"
      Tobi闭上眼睛. 不,不对. 他的眼睛外面——他还以为他的左眼也许不会总是一片黑暗——是一无所有的."我真难看."痛苦从他的声音里涌现出来,泪水淌过脸颊.
      他本想要擦掉脸上这些不应该出现的东西,这时候Zetsu伸出一只苍白的、指甲齐整的手,搭在他肩上.他不该哭的.他又不是小孩子. "你想知道我们看到你时想到了什么吗,Tobi?"
      尽管事实上他仍感觉到眼泪在不受控制的向外流,但他微笑着,用这种方式来让心里愉快起来. “谢谢你, Zetsu-san.”
      在跟Zetsu一起生活之后Tobi就想知道一件事. Zetsu常常会离开一段时间,只留下Tobi一个人.虽然Zetsu留下足够的食物和阅读的书籍(里面常常带有奇怪的图表和指示,让他有点害怕),Tobi还是觉得孤独.所以有一次在Zetsu离开了一个星期之后回来的时候,Tobi问,"你每次都出去做什么呢,Zetsu-san?"
      Tobi不理会,设法为他问的那个问题想出一个更好的理由.他一说谎Zetsu就会发现,什么时候都是这样. "因为我不喜欢被一个人扔下.而且如果你告诉我你在做什么,我或许还可以帮忙."
      Zetsu把目光集中到Tobi身上,觉得这是一个能使他超出以往水平的最好时机. "你真想这样,Tobi?"
      Tobi表情空洞的看着Zetsu.这个词对他来说没有任何意义. “什么是忍者, Zetsu-san?”

      3楼2012-01-25 20:50
        有时候,Tobi会做梦.大部分时间里他的梦非常混乱——一些Tobi说不出也辨认不出的彩色影像和词句——但有一次,事情好像是有了点眉目. 他的记忆在醒来后往往会淡化,但Tobi毕竟已经见过这张脸好多次了,所以他在早晨的时候记起了那个模样.
        Tobi拖了很长一段时间,就像Zetsu在回答他的问题时常常拖延的那样. "我有时候会梦见个有灰色头发的人.虽然他并不老." Tobi不知道为什么灰白头发的大多数都是老人.他就问了.
        Tobi回想起他梦里出现的东西.尖叫. 呼喊.黑暗寒冷的眼睛.还有疼痛.没完没了的疼痛.
        但也有别的东西. "我不知道,Zetsu-san."
        然后就成了引人注目的焦点.开始的时候他们还只是偷偷的看. 后来各种目光迅速的跃过人们的肩膀从市中心的各个角落传了过来,他们的眼睛很难从Tobi身上移开,他们不知羞耻的用一切方式注视着他.而且他越接近这繁华市场的中心,这种殊荣就越是来的厉害,与此同时还有许多声音传入Tobi的耳朵.
        "你看见那个孩子了没有? 他出什么事了?"
        尽管他们有意见,但他们还装着看别的地方.Tobi感觉自己的指甲剜进了手心,甚至有从绑在腰间的袋子里掏出苦无来反抗的冲动. 于是他就跑着在市场上买东西,跑得越快越好根本不讲价.甚至也看不清他要买的东西.

        5楼2012-01-25 20:52
          几小时后Zetsu在Tobi第一次看见他自己的脸的小溪边找到了他,买来的东西堆在身边,正在往水里丢石头. "Tobi,你在这里干什么?"
          这仅仅是Zetsu的视线,或者说也是Tobi的请求(??),他看到Tobi的脸上做出了一个"皱眉头"的表情. "那你现在该说点什么了."
          Tobi用力扔了一块石头,激起一个小浪花,沾湿了Tobi的鞋和裤边. "我讨厌人群."
          Tobi终于转过身面对Zetsu,让这较年长的忍者看见他学生的脸. Zetsu注意到Tobi仅有的一只眼睛里闪烁着泪光. Tobi哭起来,但这一次Zetsu发现,常常会被Tobi压抑着的声音这次没有被束缚住."我还要再到那镇上去吗,Zetsu-san?"
          "还是要去," Tobi的脸垮下来了."不过,如果你希望的话,我们可以给你一个面具. 这样,你也不用隐瞒你的武器了,但不会有人拆穿你,因为忍者习惯隐藏自己的身份."
          Tobi眨眼,在痛苦之外又表现出惊讶. "我已经是忍者了吗,Zetsu-san?"
          Tobi笑着出现了欢呼的念头. 可以看出来但是却没人看见. “谢谢你, Zetsu-san.”
          Zetsu给他的面具蒙住他整个脸,只留下一个可以往外看的孔.事实证明这玩意有点糟糕的挡住了他的视线,在非常时刻,除非Tobi开启他的写轮眼,不然他都不知道Zetsu离他多远. 但Tobi仍然习惯在有可能跟除了Zetsu以外的人接触的时候一直带着它.一开始他仍然很在意,但现在他可以随便走动,并最终将这些东西统统视而不见.只要跟zetsu在一起他就什么也不在乎. Zetsu知道他是什么样子的,用他自己特殊的眼,即使隔着面具Zetsu也可以看到Tobi的表情. Zetsu是唯一一个能看到真实的Tobi的人.Tobi的长相不能说明任何事情,Zetsu根本就不介意这个.
          在一个下着雪的寒冷的早晨,Tobi走近Zetsu,Zetsu盖着厚毯子,窝在屋里离火最近的角落里来驱除严寒. “Zetsu-san?”
          在他装作要离开他之前,Tobi俯下身子吻了他先生的嘴唇. 他曾经见过很多人用这样的‘吻'去求爱(译者:或者是‘献殷勤’..好像哪个都不太好..),而且自己额外的还犯了碰鼻子的错误,当他直起身子,看见Zetsu眼中的震惊,让Tobi禁不住觉得自己好像做错事了.
          “你还好吗, Zetsu-san?”
          Tobi觉得脸在发热."当镇子里的人们关心什么人的时候,他们,嗯…他们这样做.我的意思是说,大部分都是男孩吻女孩,但我不关心任何一个女孩.我在乎的只有你一个人,我想…你知道的…"他不能理解Zetsu那个空洞的表情,所以Tobi想借说话来推托一下."我以为这也许会挺不错." 这时候疑惑开始在他心里攀升.他会喜欢的,但如果Zetsu不那样认为… "你不喜欢,Zetsu-san? 如果你讨厌这样,我发誓,我永远不会再来第二次了,我真的很抱歉,这主意真蠢——"
          Tobi使劲点头. "哦,那更好.因为我虽然觉得这样不错,但我从来也没有吻过任何人."
          “不用客气, Zetsu-san.”
          一天,事态发生了变化.Tobi对此并不感到多么惊讶.他在这几个月里就已经预料到了,在这期间,Zetsu接到任务时眼睛总是眯缝着,为了任务Zetsu会失踪好几天,然后不是带着苦无和满手的血,而是满脸忧虑的回来.有一天,在花了好几个小时练习他的写轮眼(虽然Tobi听Zetsu说这个血继还有个更高的极限,他目前还只是初级阶段)之后Tobi转身回家,他甚至能观察到动物身体里热能的流向并且以此来判断它们的肌肉在皮肤下面是如何运动的. 他到了之后才发现他和Zetsu住的小房子已经化为了灰烬.一刹那,Tobi看着奄奄一息的火苗在原地愣住.

          6楼2012-01-25 20:52
            Tobi迅速转身,在欣慰的看到他的先生幸免于难之后,他几乎把全部心思都从房子转移到了年长忍者的身上,然后他才注意到Zetsu服饰不一样了而且困惑的发现Zetsu的双脚像植物一样长在地里. "Zetsu-san,有人烧了我们的房子——"
            "是我们干的. 追杀部队很快就会来到这里.这是销毁可能会引来他们跟踪的所有东西的最好方法."
            "追杀部队?"Tobi对这个词只有一个模糊认识. 是追杀自己村庄叛忍的一种忍者.但为什么他们会被…Tobi又看了看Zetsu身穿的黑色大氅,突然想起了关于这种衣服的一点讯息. 就在几个星期之前,Tobi见过一个穿着相同衣服的人来找Zetsu谈过话."Zetsu-san,你要离开你的村子?"
            Zetsu点了点头. "我们的目标不仅仅是这个草忍村.现在是该我们离开的时候了.我们的血继界限就是令人羡慕的倚仗.但我们会被追杀."
            从Zetsu的话里Tobi听不出一点他们还会回来的苗头,但也消除了Tobi的疑虑,Tobi确定Zetsu只有他一个人. 一但Zetsu要分道扬镳,Tobi就不知道该怎么办了.
            “谢谢你, Zetsu-san.”
            虽然他们烧毁了屋子,但追杀部队仍在设法寻找他们. 如果Zetsu独自一人,那要面对的草忍追杀队员的数量就太多了,而且Zetsu的资料显示出他已经有一名偶尔会协助他的忍者学徒,现在的Zetsu就只有Tobi. 如果Tobi的写轮眼进化了,他就不仅仅是看到对手接下来的动作,而是能观察到人体内里的机构,不过这也不成问题,每当一次战斗结束,血和倒下的草忍尸体往往会在Zetsu和他的学生身前堆成一个圈.
            当Tobi想要拔出一个死去的忍者喉咙里的苦无时,一只手搭在他的肩膀上阻止了他. "算了,Tobi.我们没有时间浪费了.我们要去的地方有的是武器给你."
            Tobi女士点了点头走开了.把留在尸体里的苦无放弃不要,Zetsu还会再给他的,Zetsu-san说得对. 他们不能只是等待.
            几天后,他们到达了目的地. 用Tobi的话来说,似乎是个被岩石挡住了入口的大溶洞.无论他怎么往里看,也看不见里面有什么.Tobi感到疑惑.平时透过石头往里看这是绝对没问题的,但这次…"Zetsu-san,我的写轮眼受到了限制."
            zetsu点了点头. "我们预料到了.这个洞穴用了高级的禁制.要在这里等他们发现我们再说."
            没有多久. Tobi甚至还没等到无聊的程度,前面的岩石开始发光并且开启了.在它张开的时候Zetsu毫不犹豫的走进去,Tobi掩饰住自己的担心. 虽然他用特殊的眼可以看到黑暗中,但缺乏光线还是令他感到紧张.它让他想起他的恶梦,另一方面,因为他怕黑而且害怕被抛弃所以使这一切都转化成了内心的不愉快. 但很快,前面出现了光亮,让Tobi轻松了一点.

            7楼2012-01-25 20:53
              来已经注意到这些人的存在了. 难得他竟然会有人开玩笑,阴沉的感觉立刻一扫而光. 说话的那个人似乎想吃了他似的(??).Tobi——这个竟然跟一个吃人的家伙生活在一起的年轻忍者——不那么紧张了,他也不知道什么原因.但这人的声音还是让他感到害怕.
              Tobi非常肯定说话的就是那个男的,有一双像Zetsu一样的金色眼睛,虽然看起来不怎么舒服(Tobi用古怪的眼神打量他,因为他从来没见过什么人能拥有一双蛇一般细长的瞳孔),也看不清他的眼神. 虽然Tobi自从他们离开草村就一直带着面具,在进岩洞的时候也没摘下来,但在这个人却发现Tobi在看他."Zetsu,你身边那个有趣的小玩意是个什么东西."
              "我们的徒弟,Tobi." Zetsu的声音不像那个有蛇眼的人,觉得很不对劲."你最好离他远点."
              "照他说的做,大蛇丸."这时候,又一个人从洞的后面走上前来.他的脸被阴影遮住,很难看见他的表情."我不想让你跟我们新来的成员在第一天就闹矛盾",大蛇丸微笑的默许并且向后退开,虽然他的眼神挺无奈. 然后那个忍者把目光从Tobi脸上转到Zetsu那边."但是,你也没说你还会带其他人来,Zetsu.我们不会再给任何人提供位置."
              Tobi说完之后接踵而来的就是一阵沉默. 然后他又说了一句…"你一点也不聪明!" Tobi觉得那家伙肯定已经不高兴了.
              Tobi眨着眼睛,虽然带着面具,但除了zetsu的声音他什么也听不到. "没错,是这样的."
              "关于是否聪明的问题,虽然只是一时冲动说出来的,但我们也都这么认为." Tobi很高兴听到这句回答,虽然他私下里把这个称为Zetsu的‘忍者意识’.意思是他对Tobi说话的语气已经感到了生气, 但是这也意味着不管在这里的这些人有多强,他也不会同意他不赞成的事情. "Tobi不是局外人. 我们已经训练他三年多了.除了我他不会忠于任何人."
              刚才说话的人以平静的口吻再次打断他. "你能用你的生命来保证吗,Zetsu?"
              Zetsu郑重的凝视着说话的那个人.不是像别人看Zetsu的那样,说话的男人也并不是视而不见,而是在耐心地等待这个叛变的草忍做出回应. "可以." Zetsu说.
              那人点了点头.一个无法形容的微笑出现在他脸上. "很好.欢迎加入晓,Zetsu."

              8楼2012-01-25 20:53
                Tobi根本不在乎什么生命的意义.他走了Tobi只是觉得挺高兴. 几个月后,一个岩忍成为了壳子男的搭档(Tobi终于弄清楚了那个家伙叫蝎,原来罩在外面的大盒子不光是个外壳,还是个傀儡.Tobi也说不清到底有什么用处.砂忍的战斗风格肯定是与众不同的,Tobi觉得这将会非常有趣).
                迪达拉跟大蛇丸毫无相似之处.比Tobi还小一两岁,岩忍村的叛忍,很暴躁,连说话也没耐性.虽然Tobi不是为什么目的而加入晓的,但Tobi在战斗中的地位在逐渐的向Zetsu靠拢.如果零头儿考虑让Zetsu组队的话, Tobi就有可能成为晓里面正式的一员, 然而这种情况一直没有出现,再加上Zetsu总是在外面执行侦察任务,所以Tobi没机会见到晓的其他成员,包括迪达拉在内.他和Zetsu在乡下寻找一个失踪的成员时出了岔子,一对新搭档很快来到并接替了他们的任务.他们没有理会Tobi,也不想让陌生人成为伙伴,但无论如何,Tobi注意到了那个有古怪眼睛的新人.
                "它们跟我开写轮眼的时候非常像.这是不是意味着我们属于同一个家族呢? "
                宇智波鼬非常年轻 是到目前为止晓里最年轻的一名成员.但他却比迪达拉还要成熟.Tobi在与他擦肩而过的时候总是觉得他跟这年龄不大相称,在他想跟鼬搭话的时差不多全被迪达拉给打断. 事实上,Tobi根本不关心鼬到底多大年纪.对他而言关键的只有这双眼睛.
                "但我当时不在那里," Tobi抢着说.
                Zetsu沉默的盯着他,直到Tobi不能再当作看不见这目光时为止."从前的你已经死了.你曾经告诉我们你什么也想不起来了.你还记得吗? "
                Tobi想起那个在他梦里出现的白发男孩.一个称他为朋友,却把他独自留在黑暗中的人. "记得."
                如果Tobi仍是一个孩子, 很可能会希望Zetsu能伸出手来揉揉他的头发,但是Tobi现在甚至连少年也称不上了.Tobi只是希望在周围没人的的时候自己能够安全,用皮带固定在脸上的面具不止一次的抑制了去吻Zetsu的冲动,但无论如何Tobi都会找机会迅速的吻他先生一下,虽然他也曾犯过撞鼻子的错误.但就算他稍微迟钝了,写轮眼也不会再让他犯同样的错误,他甚至还想方设法的想触到他的舌尖.
                在蝎死后第三天,Tobi脖子周围的青肿仍然没有完全褪掉(注意不要想歪了,这是被迪达拉掐的= =||).
                Zetsu一直在观察他附近的一些栎树. "你的任务是寻找迪达拉,Tobi.他没有查克拉了,攻击出现了偏差.如果你想加入晓,就应该去找一种正当的方法,而不是想办法除掉这组织里的一个成员,而且他还受着伤.",Zetsu只是静静的注视着这个年轻的忍者. "不管那些人怎么气恼或者怎么说."

                9楼2012-01-25 20:54
                  " Zetsu-san……" Tobi的眼泪止不住的流下来,甚至连站在身边不到十码远、杀害了Zetsu的凶手都没有看见.因为面具总是会阻碍他的视线,Tobi撕开后面的皮带把它扔在地上.他不需要它了.反正他关心的只有Zetsu的想法,而现在Zetsu不在了!他无视那个一拳头穿透Zetsu胸膛的忍者,而那个忍者盯着Tobi的脸,小声的念出了Tobi已经忘记的名字.可是Tobi也没有听见,他根本不在乎.
                  那个蒙着脸的木叶忍者并没有离开. "带土?"他朝Tobi的方向走了一步,又走了一步."带土…真是你吗?!"这声音太微弱了而且还在发抖,而Tobi在Zetsu身边这么多年,对这个名字已经完全失去了印象."我们以为你死了……"
                  Tobi这才将Zetsu的身体轻轻放在地上,望着这个十七年来自己的老师和唯一的朋友."别担心,Zetsu-san.我是个好孩子. 我会像当初你烧掉我们的房子一样烧掉你所有的遗物包括你的尸体.我知道你不想让草忍村得到你家族的秘密."他转而面对杀死他先生的凶手."但首先我还要处理一下其他的东西."
                  这木叶忍者的杀意已经完全消退,五分钟之前它还在充斥着. 他的身体不再保持战斗的架势,而只是松垮的站在一旁.他的眼睛,一边黑色而另一边却是像Tobi那样的红色,里面满是混乱."带土…你难道不记得我了吗? 我是你的朋友…卡卡西.旗木卡卡西啊. "
                  他不老,可是头发却是灰白的.几分钟前他刚杀死了Tobi唯一牵挂的人现在竟然厚颜无耻的称Tobi是他的朋友. 他的眼睛不只像Tobi,还像一面镜子.

                  10楼2012-01-25 20:54
                    That Which Innocence Cannot Mask
                    Anime/Manga Like it was supposed to hurt a lot, but only did in a distant sort of way.He wondered if that meant it would hurt more later.“You’re awake.”The voice came from his left. He opened his eyes and tried to see who it was, but when he rotated his neck, it did hurt, and for some reason all he could see out of his left eye was black.“Who’s there?” It hurt to talk, too. And his voice… it sounded wrong, but he couldn’t remember what the difference was between before and now.The voice to his left paused before replying. “We are Zetsu.” There was another pause.“Who are you?”He thought about it.The surface he was lying on felt soft.It still hurt to move. “I don’t know.” He should know, but why that was, he didn’t know either.“Do you know, Zetsu-san?”The voice that was Zetsu took even longer to respond this time.“It isn’t important.”He blinked. The darkness in his left eye wasn’t going away, but the panic in his chest receded slightly.If it didn’t matter who he was, then it didn’t matter that he didn’t remember.This was comforting. But… it would still be nice to be somebody, even if it wasn’t himself. “Can you tell me who I’m going to be, Zetsu-san?”A hand touched him on the forehead. It was cool.He hadn’t realized until then how hot it was. The cold felt nice against his skin. “We will call you Tobi.”Tobi.That sounded… almost right. Close enough.It was nice to have a name.Tobi closed his eyes.“Thank you, Zetsu-san.”“You’re welcome, Tobi.”___________________The first time Tobi saw Zetsu, he wasn’t startled, though Zetsu acted as though he should be.“What do you think of us now, Tobi?”Sitting cross-legged on the edge of his bed, Tobi blinked. “I don’t think anything different of you than I did before, Zetsu-san.”Zetsu didn’t blink, though his large golden eyes widened slightly. “You aren’t surprised?”“No.”“Why not?”Tobi thought about it.“I guess it’s because I didn’t think you’d look like anything but yourself.And you do. So I’m not surprised.”A hand, as black as the darkness in Tobi’s left eye, reached out and ruffled Tobi’s hair.“You’re a good kid, Tobi.”Tobi smiled.The hand running through his hair felt nice. The compliment felt even nicer. Tobi’s cheeks warmed, even though a fire wasn’t lit.“Thank you, Zetsu-san.”“You’re welcome, Tobi.”______The first time Tobi saw himself, it was entirely by accident. Zetsu had taken him outside for the first time since he had stopped hurting, and the sun had been shining and all the colors had been bright, and Tobi hadn’t been able to stop grinning at how much there was to see. He almost hadn’t noticed the stream as they walked past, a narrow brook that was too shallow to see your reflection in, but Tobi had followed it for no good reason other than he liked the sound of water, Zetsu watching, disinterested, from a distance.The stream ended in a pool a just a few dozen yards away, one that wasn’t particularly large, but very deep for its size.Tobi had wondered if the pool had fish.The first time Tobi saw himself, he nearly screamed aloud.His face … his eye … while half of his face was smooth and unmarked, the right side was ugly , his cheekbone broken inwards and there were so many scars… and where there should have been his left eye, there wasn’t… anything. Anything at all.Just a gaping black hole where it looked like someone had dug out the tissue with a knife

                    11楼2012-01-25 20:55
                      Tobi wanted to look away, but he couldn’t do anything but stare at the face in the water. He was hideous . Nothing like what he had expected (though he couldn’t remember what it was he had thought he’d see), nothing like Zetsu’s pleasing symmetry.Just… ugly.
                      Tobi’s gaze was still riveted upon the pool when Zetsu walked up to him from behind and waited patiently for him to speak. After a few minutes, Tobi did.“Why didn’t you say something, Zetsu-san?”
                      Zetsu’s low, two-toned voice which Tobi normally found comforting, didn’t hesitate this time. “What would you have had us say, Tobi?”
                      Tobi closed his eyes.No, that wasn’t right.His eye. The darkness Tobi had thought he’d seen with his left eye It was just nothing.wasn’t darkness at all. “That I’m ugly.” He was unable to keep the misery out of his voice, or the tears from running down his cheek.
                      Zetsu placed a pale, carefully manicured hand on Tobi’s shoulder while Tobi scrubbed viciously at his face.He shouldn’t be crying . How much of a baby was he? “Do you want to know what we see when we look at you, Tobi?”
                      Tobi didn’t, really, but his curiosity won out in the end, like it always did. “What?”
                      “We see you. Exactly what we expected to see, because this was how we found you. So we aren’t surprised. And we find it hard to believe that we will ever find Tobi ugly.”
                      Despite the fact that he could still feel tears threatening to spill over, Tobi smiled, ridiculously pleased to have his own words thrown back at him at such a way. “Thank you, Zetsu-san.”
                      “You’re welcome, Tobi.”
                      It was a while before Tobi thought to wonder what it was that Zetsu did for a living.Zetsu often disappeared for long periods of time, leaving Tobi alone. Though Zetsu left him plenty of food and books to read (often ones with strange diagrams and instructions in them that Tobi was afraid to try), Tobi was still lonely. So one day after Zetsu returned from a week’s absence, Tobi asked, “What do you do when you leave, Zetsu-san?”
                      In the midst of cleaning the headband he always wore while away, Zetsu looked up at Tobi with his unblinking golden eyes.
                      “Why do you care, Tobi?”
                      Tobi didn’t bother to try and come up with a better reason for his question Zetsu always knew when he was lying, anyway.. “Because I don’t like to be alone. And if you told me what you did, maybe I could help.”
                      Zetsu’s gaze, focused beyond anything Tobi could muster at the best of times, intensified to a level Tobi wasn’t used to.“Do you really mean that, Tobi?”
                      Tobi nodded, though he wondered what he was agreeing to that made Zetsu look at him so.
                      Zetsu’s eyes didn’t waver from Tobi’s one when he pronounced evenly, “We are a shinobi, Tobi.”
                      Tobi looked at Zetsu blankly. The word meant nothing to him.“What’s a shinobi, Zetsu-san?”
                      It was then that Zetsu blinked, slowly, as if he wasn’t sure he had heard Tobi right. No one else would have been able to tell, but Tobi knew Zetsu’s body language, better than he knew his own.“A shinobi is a mercenary, Tobi.They get paid to do things for others.”
                      Tobi slumped slightly. From the way Zetsu’s eyes had narrowed earlier, Tobi had thought that the job description would be a little more… glamorous. “What, like errands?”
                      “Like killing people. We assassinated a man last week who was planning to betray his family for money.”
                      Tobi tilted his head sideways as he looked up at Zetsu, trying to tell if this meant Zetsu was someone that he didn’t really know. “You killed someone last week?”
                      As far as Tobi could tell, Zetsu didn’t look any different than he had the week before.“Have you killed a lot of people?”
                      “Yes.” Zetsu moved a hand towards Tobi. Tobi didn’t move. “Does that frighten you, Tobi?”
                      Tobi shook his head. “You’re still Zetsu-san. Knowing this new thing about you doesn’t change anything. Though, Zetsu-san…” And Tobi didn’t quite manage to avoid looking away, “If I help you, do I have to kill people?”
                      Almost imperceptibly, Zetsu relaxed, and with his outstretched hand he turned Tobi’s chin until Tobi yet again was looking him the eye. “Not for a few years, Tobi.Tobi. You don’t know enough We will have to train you first.”.
                      “So you will let me help you?”
                      “If you want to, we will let you help.”
                      Tobi grinned. To be able to help Zetsu… to not be alone anymore. It sounded wonderful. “Thank you, Zetsu-san.”
                      “You’re welcome, Tobi.”

                      13楼2012-01-25 20:58

                        The first time Tobi killed someone, it happened a lot sooner than he had expected it would. Zetsu had ordered him to look on from a distance while he completed one of the assignments he was given (who exactly gave him these jobs, Tobi didn’t know, and something in Zetsu’s eyes when Tobi got the courage to speak up told Tobi that it wasn’t smart to ask).
                        Careful as always to follow instructions, Tobi was perched in a tree almost out of visual range as he watched one of the carnivorous trees Zetsu liked to summon consume a man clad in a dark green vest. Zetsu was standing quietly by as the tree finished eating, relaxed as he only was a scant few minutes after completing an assignment.
                        It was for this reason that Tobi was the only one to notice the weird shimmering of the air right behind Zetsu. It startled Tobi; the air wasn’t moving, exactly, but he couldn’t get a very good look from where he was, but Tobi had promised Zetsu that he wouldn’t move, so he just leaned in and squinted, because he wanted to see … and where there had been moving-air-that-wasn’t, there was now a man, dressed in a vest identical to the one worn by the man Zetsu had just killed.And he was holding a very heavy-looking ax.
                        “Zetsu-san!” Tobi tried to scream. He did, but ever since he had woken up and Zetsu had named him Tobi, he had never been able to speak very loudly without it hurting, so neither Zetsu nor the man with the ax heard him.So Tobi did the next best thing; he grabbed three of the knives (kunai, they were called kunai, these were nothing like the knives Tobi used to make dinner with) Zetsu had given him off their position strapped to his belt and threw them at the man carrying the ax.

                        14楼2012-01-25 20:58
                          Tobi hadn’t expected them to hit. His aim may have improved some from when Zetsu had first started instructing him with weapons, but he had never done so well with the targets more than twenty or so yards away. The man currently intent on killing Zetsu was at least three times as far as that.But in the split second between positioning the three kunai in his hand and hurling them as hard as he could at the man with the ax,
                          The first kunai the man blocked with his ax’s handle, his senses have caught the approaching projectiles moments before their arrival. The second kunai glanced off the reflected first and straight into the middle of the man’s forehead, right between the eyes.The third kunai missed its target entirely, sticking into the ground a few feet to the left of where Tobi had intended it to go, but that was alright, because the man was dead before the third kunai touched down.It was barely difficult at all.
                          Zetsu turned just in time to see his would-be killer’s body hit the ground.A few seconds later, Tobi came barreling through the underbrush.“Zetsu-san!I’m sorry, I know I wasn’t supposed to interfere, but you didn’t see him and I did and I didn’t-”
                          Tobi quieted and looked up into his mentor’s eyes.“Yes, Zetsu-san?”
                          Zetsu handed him a small mirror, one Tobi hadn’t known Zetsu carried. “Look into this, Tobi.”

                          15楼2012-01-25 20:59
                            So Tobi looked.And for a while, he couldn’t think of anything to say. “Why is my eye red, Zetsu-san?”
                            “You’re asking the wrong question, Tobi.”
                            So Tobi thought about it.“Could I see the man when you couldn’t because my eye turned red, Zetsu-san?”
                            “That is correct, Tobi.” Zetsu stared down at Tobi for several seconds, making Tobi squirm uncomfortably. “I think it’s time we stepped up your training.”
                            This wasn’t what Tobi expected. “Why?”
                            “You’re kekkei genkai has been activated. You will learn much more quickly, now.”
                            This almost sounded like a compliment, but for some reason, Tobi knew it wasn’t. So he watched in silence as Zetsu took apart the corpse of the man Tobi had killed, and only wondered later why he didn’t feel like throwing up afterwards. Zetsu never did tell him what a kekkei genkai was, and Tobi never asked.
                            The next time Tobi killed someone, he got rid of the remains himself, and did so without a single mistake. Zetsu never said commented on Tobi’s flawless performance. Tobi didn’t expect him to. Tobi didn’t expect him to. The arrival of his kekkei genkai had changed something.It made Zetsu expect more. Tobi did his best not to disappoint, even though it never felt like enough.
                            In the end, it was the small stuff that made things return to normal. Zetsu didn’t cook- hadn’t even maintained a kitchen, before Tobi had arrived- so Tobi made all their meals.One evening, Tobi tried sushi.
                            Tobi looked up from his examination of his chopsticks.
                            “Yes, Zetsu-san?”
                            “This is very good.”

                            16楼2012-01-25 20:59
                              It had been weeks since Zetsu had praised him, even about something as trivial as dinner. Tobi was unable to meet Zetsu’s eyes as he replied, instead keeping his gaze focused on the tabletop. His hands shook, out of Zetsu’s line of sight.“Thank you, Zetsu-san.”
                              “You’re welcome, Tobi.”
                              That night, Tobi slept as he hadn’t in over a fortnight. The next day, the rift Tobi’s kekkei genkai had created between them was gone. Tobi knew better than to question why.
                              Even though Zetsu was kind to him most of the time, there was a part of Zetsu who didn’t like Tobi at all Tobi hadn’t known that another side to Zetsu even existed until the first time he was allowed along on a mission and he watched Zetsu’s eyes go dark and his voice become deep and angry.. It was the part of Zetsu that allowed him to tear his enemies apart with his bare teeth, that allowed him to push Tobi out of the way whenever Tobi grew to be too much of a hindrance. After the first time, Tobi only assisted when he was confident he would be a help instead of an impediment to Zetsu’s missions. He wasn’t afraid of Zetsu hurting him- his mentor never hit hard enough for the sting to last more than a few minutes anyway- but he was afraid that one day Zetsu would grow sick of his clumsiness and leave forever. So Tobi did his best to make sure that he never became an obstruction while Zetsu worked, though the feeling in the back of his mind that it was only a matter of time wouldn’t recede.
                              It was only afterwards, when the light came back into Zetsu’s eyes and he apologized in low tones if he had hit Tobi harder than usual that day, when Tobi started the fire and made dinner and Zetsu watched him over the flames, that Tobi knew that no matter how much the other side of Zetsu disliked him, it would never be enough for this side to ever consider sending him away.
                              Sometimes, Tobi dreamed. Most of the time, his dreams were incoherent- maybe a flash of color, words that Tobi couldn’t make out in a voice Tobi didn’t recognize- but once in a while, things almost seemed to make sense.His understanding always faded upon awakening, but there were only so many times Tobi could see a face before he started to remember it in the morning.
                              “Did I know someone with grey hair, Zetsu-san? Before, I mean.”
                              Zetsu didn’t look away from his inspection of the forest glen. “Why do you ask, Tobi?”
                              Tobi was far too used to Zetsu answering his questions in kind to be put off.“I see someone with grey hair in my dreams sometimes. He’s not old, though.” Tobi didn’t know why he knew that most people with grey hair were old. He just did.
                              “Do you want to remember him, Tobi?”
                              So Tobi thought about it, what he remembered from his dreams. Screaming.Shouting. Cold, dark eyes. And pain. A lot of pain.
                              But there was also something else. “I don’t know, Zetsu-san.”
                              Zetsu’s gaze never shifted from the forest. “If you don’t know, then wait until you do before asking again.”
                              Tobi nodded. Even if Zetsu wasn’t looking, Tobi knew that his mentor would still see. That even in his dreams, he was afraid to say anything when she was there, for fear his secrets would come spilling out.He didn’t tell Zetsu about the girl with brown hair, and eyes that shone like the sun. He didn’t mention that the boy with grey hair called him friend as he tore out Tobi’s eye, leaving him floating in nothingness, watching with his not-sight as the grey-haired boy took the girl away, leaving Tobi alone as he died.All Tobi told Zetsu about were his dreams. He didn’t tell Zetsu about his nightmares.Those he knew he didn’t want to recall.
                              But even though Tobi wasn’t sure about the dreams, and didn’t want the nightmares, they still came to him in his sleep. And sometimes, he couldn’t help remembering, no matter how he tried to forget.
                              Tobi didn’t often go out among other people, but occasionally it couldn’t be avoided.

                              17楼2012-01-25 20:59