异国恋吧 关注:38,103贴子:431,533




17楼2012-03-16 20:48
    夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 —— 诸葛亮

    18楼2012-03-17 18:08

      23楼2012-03-18 22:06

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              30楼2012-03-18 22:24

                34楼2012-03-18 22:35

                  37楼2012-03-18 22:42

                    38楼2012-03-18 22:45
                      为什么有人说中国女生容易搞到? 以下是外国人的答案。。。好吧,我说的是正常外国人的答案,而不是个别网站的外国败类。。。
                      Why do people claim Asian girls are so easy to get with?
                      Answer: That is a lie I find Asian girls the hardest to get with and most picky about things like your college education level, and most stay with their own ethnicity and if they do date out its to the really WASP type whites(blonde hair blue eyes) not the more Mediterranean types i look Italian or Spanish( im of Dutch,Spanish,Basque and Nicaraguan descent)
                      1 year ago
                      Report Abuse Additional Details Lilly what type of white guy?
                      1 year ago I think Asian girls are the hardest to date
                      1 year ago Yes people are different but i am speaking on average that if i wanted to date Asian women it would be harder for me then maybe some blonde ********
                      1 year ago by *Hypnotized* I leave ur bltch
                      Member since:
                      January 09, 2011 Total points:
                      107 (Level 1)
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                      Block Best Answer - Chosen by Asker they are picky, thats for sure
                      1 year ago
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                      1 person rated this as good
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                      Asker's Comment:
                      yea They're not picky. They're prejudiced! Report Abuse
                      * You must be logged into Answers to add comments. Sign in or Register. Other Answers (7)
                      by Life Coach
                      Member since:
                      October 24, 2009 Total points:
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                      If they are in college they are more interested in their studies and a future career. It's in their culture to succeed so then they will pay more attention to school than dating. Asian women are know to have the most highest libido (research studies). I really can't answer this question because all people are different. Source(s): Years of coaching
                      1 year ago
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                      by Summer
                      Member since:
                      April 26, 2010 Total points:
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                      well i dont observe who asian women are with but where i live most are with asian guys.
                      The ones that do date white guys date the clean cut type of white guys that have a cute wholesome look to them. Asian girls seem to like the same type of white guys im into. So its not a good mix for an asian girl and me to be in the same room. We always go for the same guy. My roomate and i were going gaga over this one white guy that lived across from us.. man he must of thought we were crazy lol. We invited him over for dinner and we were like "its on bytchh". Well nothing happend because im pretty sure we scared the poor guy away. I think he was from England because he had a bit of an england accent.
                      as for who is hardest to date, im not sure.. i know my roomate and I would have dated him in a split second if he asked one of us out. I know for me personally as a black women if i like you than you would pretty much know and i think my roomate is the same way and she is asian. We were very obvious to the guy that we liked him.. i think he had a girlfriend though because he was always with some white girl..
                      Edited 1 year ago
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                      by Ming Cao
                      Member since:
                      August 11, 2010 Total points:
                      183 (Level 1)
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                      people are different... some are easy some are not...
                      not because of their race, or color, or nationality, or sex or whatever..
                      every each is different from the others...
                      1 year ago
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                      by J
                      Member since:
                      November 23, 2010 Total points:
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                      Block They are easy if you go pick them up in poor countries or if you have money.
                      1 year ago
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                      by I
                      Member since:
                      July 29, 2009 Total points:
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                      Block That's SO not true, they have strick morals from what i'd seen.
                      1 year ago
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                      2 people rated this as good
                      by Germy
                      Member since:
                      July 14, 2010 Total points:
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                      weird; never heard it. Ask one of them
                      以上来自yahoo answers...http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110109182950AAhI7tm

                      43楼2012-03-19 16:10

                        45楼2012-03-19 16:39