LOS ANGELES — I have only three words to say about Canadian actress Sandra Oh after watching her in the finale of Grey’s Anatomy: Emmy, Emmy, Emmy. While there are a lot of fine actors on the series, it’s no accident that Oh, whose background is in theatre and dance, is emerging as the finest of the lot. “Everybody’s serious about putting the show out, but Sandra is just that much more disciplined,” an ABC cameraman said. “Sandra’s usually the first one on the set. She never lets personal issues get in the way; she stays clear of gossip but more importantly, she comes in really knowing her lines, like backwards and forwards,” the source said.
h t t p : //w w w.sandraohnews.com/2010/05/what-woman.html 唉。。总是发不上来,大家来看吧~~我觉得写的SO很客观、很敬业的演员:每次片场都是头一个到的;关于戏剧疯狂,私生活no的work ethic极高的有天赋的有魅力的值得拿Emmy的好演员!!!!