刚才春天已经在杂谈楼里收了莫言得奖的消息,我是今天早上上班路上在电台广播里听到的,当时真的满兴奋的。两天前,一个摩洛哥教授跟另一个阿尔及利亚教授讨论什么是 French Jewof Moroccan descent,因为今年的诺贝尔物理奖被一个从摩洛哥移民到法国的犹太人拿走了。今天我也可以内心骄傲了,咱中国人在智慧上面的产出也是对世界文明有很大贡献的,包括当代。所以觉得有必要单开一楼纪念一下。
其中有一个从北卡来的约翰评论道: John NC Congrats to Mr Mo! At least it's someone I knew and read for quite some time. Not some Hungarian-Romanian most people knew nothing about. As for the merit of his body of work, he is probably not to the level of Garcia Marquez, but not too shabby either. Oct. 11, 2012 at 9:54 a.m. ----------------- 此人还是读过相当的莫言的作品的,虽然他认为莫言比不上马尔克斯(《百年孤独》的作者)。
从这个人的评论来看,莫言的很多作品被这个叫Howard Goldblatt的人翻成英文了。 CML Pullman, WANYT Pick Mo Yan is an extremely gifted writer who deserves this prize immensely. He was born a peasant and received only a 5th grade education. His powers of imagination and expression are extraordinary. If readers are interested in looking into his work, they could start with the novel Red Sorghum. All of his major works have been translated into English by the esteemed translator, Howard Goldblatt. Just a word of forewarning: Mo Yan's work does contain a great deal of violence, as he writes about a violent era. Oct. 11, 2012 at 9:54 a.m