Tell us about an experience, in school or out, that caused you to
rethink or change your perspective. What impact has this had on you?
(maximum 200 words)
In order to assess preparedness for university studies, applicants to
UBC are evaluated on the basis of a broad range of criteria. Knowing
more about applicants through the Personal Profile section of the
application helps identify students who will flourish at UBC, not just
because of high grades but because of the experiences and ambition they
bring with them. The Personal Profile gives you the opportunity to tell
UBC about the things that are important to you, your significant
achievements, what you have learned from your experiences, and
challenges that you've overcome. This information, along with your
academic achievements, will be used to determine your admissibility to
the UBC undergraduate programs you have selected and/or eligibility for
Entrance Scholarships and Awards. Tell us about an experience, in school or out, that caused you to
rethink or change your perspective. What impact has this had on you?
(maximum 200 words) Explain how you responded to a significant challenge that you have encountered and what you learned in the process.
(maximum 200 words)
从中国高中转来国际学校的挑战 对老师教学方式的适应 Describe up to five activities that you have pursued in one or more of the following areas:
leadership/group contributions (e.g., student government,
community activity, family responsibility; involvement in Aboriginal
culture or community) academic achievements (e.g., research project; success in a contest; prize for high standing) sports (e.g., team membership; participation in competitions) creative and performing arts work service to others Short Description for Activity 1* (maximum 50 words)
Tell us more about one of the activities you listed above,
explaining what your goals were, what you did to pursue them, the
results achieved, and what you learned in the process.
(maximum 200 words) Optional
Please include any additional information that you would like the
Admissions Committee to consider when reviewing your application.
(maximum 100 words) *Required
Please submit the names of two referees who know you well and can
comment on your preparedness for study at UBC. Examples of referees
include an employer, a community member, a coach, a teacher/instructor,
or anyone who knows you well. One of the referees you select MUST be
able to speak to one of the activities / experiences described in one of
your long-answer responses above. For applicants who are currently
attending a high school, one of your referees MUST be a school official
(e.g. grade 12 or senior year counsellor, teacher, or IB Coordinator).
Neither referee should be a friend, family member, or paid agent.
Reference 1
Phone number*
Relationship to you*
Reference 2
Phone number*
Relationship to you*