COLOR: even bright blue throughout. Lighter shades of blue pre-ferred. Guard hairs distinctly silver-tipped giving the cat a silvery
sheen or lustrous appearance. A definite contrast should be
noted between ground color and tipping. Free from tabby mark-ings. Nose leather: slate grey. Paw pads: lavender pink or
mauve. Eye color: vivid green.
The following information is for reference purposes only
and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.
Russian Blue Color Class Number
Blue....................................................................0500 0501
AOV....................................................................None None
Russian Blue allowable outcross breeds:none.
COLOR: even bright blue throughout. Lighter shades of blue pre-ferred. Guard hairs distinctly silver-tipped giving the cat a silvery
sheen or lustrous appearance. A definite contrast should be
noted between ground color and tipping. Free from tabby mark-ings. Nose leather: slate grey. Paw pads: lavender pink or
mauve. Eye color: vivid green.
The following information is for reference purposes only
and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.
Russian Blue Color Class Number
Blue....................................................................0500 0501
AOV....................................................................None None
Russian Blue allowable outcross breeds:none.