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来自贴吧神器1楼2013-02-01 16:17回复
    【 Interview with Olympic silver medalist in London Daria Dmitrieva 】
    - Daria Dmitrieva在伦敦奥运会银牌得主采访
    - 2013/01/31 - 22:36
    Daria Dmitrieva : "Star disease affects those who are easy to get everything”"
    - Daria Dmitrieva : “明星病的影响很容易得到的一切

    2楼2013-02-01 16:26
      Last year, gymnast Daria Dmitrieva will forever Irkutsk in world history of
      - 去年,体操运动员的Daria Dmitrieva将永远在伊尔库次克的世界体育史上。
      Frankly, so far without trembling and tears were coming not remember that summer: How to solve the question whether Dasha goes to the Olympics.
      - 坦率地说,到目前为止,不记得那年夏天没有颤抖,眼泪:如何解决Dasha是否去奥运的问题。
      As we are all rooting for her!
      - 因为我们都在为她加油!
      As children across the country wrote letters to her support! ..
      - 作为全国儿童写信给她的支持!......
      In the end, it was the Olympic silver, and in August Irkutsk people
      enthusiastically welcomed their expensive champions - Daria Dmitrieva and her
      coach Olga Buyanova.
      - 最后,它是奥运银牌,并在8月伊尔库次克人的热烈欢迎他们昂贵的冠军 - Daria
      Dmitrieva和她的教练Olga Buyanova。
      In January Dasha spent some time in Irkutsk, though now it is a rare visitor.
      - 今年一月,Dasha花了一些时间在伊尔库次克,虽然现在是一种罕见的游客。
      It has long been a second home for training camp in Novogorsk.
      - 长期以来,一直在Novogorsk训练营的第二个家。
      Correspondent "CM Number One" was able to meet with the famous gymnast.
      - 记者“CM一号”能够会面著名的体操运动员。
      Dasha and the incredible beauty.
      - Dasha和令人难以置信的美丽。..........
      And what is this 19-year-old girl felt the power, what a character! ..
      - 这个19岁的女孩怎样感觉力量,怎样的一个人物!
      And yet she seemed still a child - a subtle, gentle and pure.
      - 但她似乎还是一个孩子 - 一个含蓄,温柔,纯洁。..........

      来自贴吧神器3楼2013-02-01 16:48
        "Mama" - the key word in each destiny
        - “妈妈” - 在每个命运的关键字
        His first question I want to ask about your mother, dearest to you man.
        - 他的第一个问题,我想问问你的妈妈,你最亲密的男人。
        You have it too, and beautiful, and smart.
        - 你有,美丽,和聪明。
        Immediately clear to whom you went.
        - 立即地清楚你想要的。
        This is because in many of its merit, that you have become so bright athlete?
        - 这是因为在许多的优点,以至於你成为如此耀眼的运动员?

        4楼2013-02-01 17:04
          Of course, my mother a lot of energy on me.
          - 当然,我的母亲在我身上花了大量的精力。
          I often think that if it does not, nothing I could not get to.
          - 我常常在想,如果没有的话,我是不能达成的。
          Because there were difficult times, when I did not want to go to practice.
          - 由於有困难的时候,当我不想去实践。..........
          But my mother was able to find the words, I knew approached me, so I could bring myself to go to the gym.
          - 但我的母亲能够找的到话,我就知道我即将达成,这样我就可以让自己去健身房。
          This is also my mother did, I feel it very well..
          - 这也是我的母亲会做的,我觉得这非常好。。
          Mom always worried about me, and supported as she could.
          - 妈妈总是担心我,和她可以支持的。
          I am very grateful to her.
          - 我很感谢她。
          I also have an older brother, Alex.
          - 我也有一个哥哥,Alex。
          He's older than me by 6 years.
          - 他比我大6岁。
          In my family, I always felt the only support.
          - 在我的家庭,我总是觉得只有支持。
          Support - the most important thing that can give people closest competitor.
          - 支持 - 最重要的事情,能给人最亲密的竞争者。..........

          来自贴吧神器6楼2013-02-01 17:21
            Today as you remember your childhood?
            - 今天,你还记得你的童年吗?
            I have a great, bright, good memories of my childhood.
            - 我有一个很棒的,光明的,美好的回忆在我的童年。
            It was because I came rather late to the gym - almost 9 years.
            - 这是因为我来体操馆晚了 - 差不多9岁。 ..........
            So I lost nothing and did not miss.
            - 所以,我没失去什麼,没有错过。
            And attacked and drunk plenty.
            - 并著手和吸收充足。 .......... 总不能把drunk翻成酒醉吧.....
            In the first two or three years, when the training is not difficult, and there was time for socializing, and fun.
            - 在首先的两年或三年,训练并不难,有时间参加社交活动,和有趣的。
            And then you started adult working career stage.
            - 然后你开始成人的职业生涯阶段。 ..........

            来自贴吧神器7楼2013-02-01 19:08
              Athletes often traveled to competitions, usually originally in school, are in a special account.
              - 运动员经常旅行,参加比赛,通常在原来的学校里,是一个特殊的理由。
              I was in school № 9.
              - 我是在学校№9。
              And many thanks to my teachers, principals, which helped me seriously.
              - 非常感谢我的老师,校长,这让我认真。
              I had a lot of passes, I still did not really reach, and I understand the
              resentment of teachers, their questions about why I do not go to school.
              - 我有很多的及格,我仍然没有真正达到,我明白老师的不满,他们的问题是关於,我为什麼不上学。 ..........
              But the director has always maintained:
              - 但主任一直主张著:
              "Dasha - a future star, champion. It is well done and always gets its way. "
              - “Dasha - 未来的明星,冠军。 他做得很不错,始终得到它的方式。
              They all helped me a lot.
              - 他们都对我帮助很大。 ..........
              I graduated from high school, entered the St. Petersburg State University of
              Physical Education, Sport and Health.
              - 我从高中毕业,进入圣彼得堡国立大学的体育教育,运动与健康。

              来自贴吧神器8楼2013-02-01 19:24
                Training - is a step towards the next target
                - 培训 - 是迈向下一个的目标
                And it is true that Olga Buyanova became your second mom?
                - Olga Buyanova成为你的第二个妈妈,这是真的吗?
                Practically yes.
                - 几乎是肯定的。
                When you live away from home, it has to learn everything from the trainer.
                - 当你生活远离家乡,一切从教练那学习。
                She grew up as a mother, and learns how to behave in society, and focuses on the vital things.
                - 她作为一个母亲,学会了如何在社会中的行为,并集中在重要的事情上。
                In the hall between the coach and gymnast are sometimes differences.
                - 在大厅里的教练和体操运动之间有时是不同的。
                Age is - resist, do not want to do something.
                - 年龄是 - 抵制,不想要做的事情。 ..........
                But in the end all the same you know: coach does not wish to harm you, all for the good..
                - 但最终都是一样的,你知道:教练并不想伤害你,所有是为你好的。。 ..........

                9楼2013-02-01 20:54
                  Do you remember your first trip abroad?
                  - 你还记得你第一次出国吗?
                  Of course, it was the events in Poland, when I was about 10-11.
                  - 当然,这是在波兰发生的事件,当我大约10-11岁。
                  There I took the first place - performed with clubs.
                  - 在那里,我摆在首位 - 与俱乐部进行。
                  We went to Elena Boreyko, at that time a very renowned gymnast.
                  - 我们去Elena Boreyko,当时一个非常著名的体操运动员。
                  I looked at her, I learned just to triumph.
                  - 我看著她,学会只是为了胜利。

                  来自贴吧神器11楼2013-02-01 22:04
                    What were your relations with the legendary Irina Viner?
                    - 您与传说中的Irina Viner的关系是怎样的?
                    She comes across as quite strong, strong-willed coach.
                    - 她遇事相当强,意志坚强的教练。
                    Since I can remember, the relationship we have always been good.
                    - 打从我还记得,我们的关系一直是很好的。 ..........
                    And if they disagree, it is always the case.
                    - 如果他们不同意,它始终是这样的。
                    She is a very fair man.
                    - 她是一个很公平的人。
                    Irina Viner - not only professional with a capital letter, but also a very wise
                    - Irina Viner - 不仅是专业的,一个领袖,但也是一个非常聪明的女人。 .....
                    So many interesting and important things to say.
                    - 因此,许多有趣的和重要的事情说了。
                    Listen to them, his mouth open.
                    - 听他们的,他的嘴巴张开。
                    I love Irina.
                    - 我爱Irina。 ..........

                    来自贴吧神器12楼2013-02-01 22:15
                      Do you have any idols in gymnastics?
                      - 你有任何的体操的偶像吗?
                      Heroes in every sense of the word does not exist, but I really liked
                      Ira Chaschina.
                      - 英雄在任何字面上的意义不存在,但我真的喜欢Ira Chaschina。 ..........
                      She was my favorite gymnast, when performed.
                      - 她是我最喜欢的体操运动员,表演时。
                      Also love Ulyana Trofimov, it now stands for Uzbekistan.
                      - 也爱Ulyana Trofimov,它现在代表乌兹别克斯坦。 ..........
                      She is able to combine amazing things and emotions, which is very difficult.
                      - 她是能够结合令人惊叹的事情和情绪,这是非常困难的。
                      And, of course, the incomparable, invincible Zhenya Kanaeva.
                      - 当然无法比拟的,无敌的Zhenya Kanaeva。 ..........
                      It has made a huge contribution to Russian sport, truly legendary gymnast.
                      - 它为俄罗斯体育作出了巨大的贡献,真正的传奇体操运动员。
                      I do not know, when there are we will.
                      - 我不知道,当我们将。

                      13楼2013-02-01 22:24
                        Siberians - people with a special character
                        Last year was a milestone for you, a turning point.
                        Did you know that'll be silver medalist, or just hoping for such a high title?
                        I was sure that if I caused to the Olympics, the result can not be bad.
                        Otherwise it could not be, because there was so much invested in me!
                        I myself completely surrendered sport.
                        In the pre-Olympic year with my coach, we have done everything to get to London.
                        God is there, he sees your work - and the rewards.

                        14楼2013-02-02 09:45
                          When you're back home, the plane landed in Irkutsk and you Olga Buyanova solemnly greeted at the airport - it's probably too was very exciting?
                          It is very touching, as I was always supported children. Before the Olympics, they wrote me a letter: "Dasha, we are with you!", Hung in the social networks my pictures.
                          I sometimes even tears were in his eyes.
                          I do not imagine that a man so can hurt and worry, worry.
                          Heartfelt words of support, the most lively emotions were just from the kids.

                          来自贴吧神器16楼2013-02-02 09:49
                            You helped that you're a Siberian?
                            Of course, because Siberians - people with a special character: a strong will, a very hard-nosed in the best sense of the word and at the same time kind and open.
                            Mindset to win in Siberians in the blood.
                            Evgenia Kanaeva also Siberian, she from Omsk. Siberians can be seen immediately.
                            Now I'm not often in Irkutsk, I have almost no time to take a walk here, for example.
                            But Irkutsk - my hometown.
                            I'm still going to love him, to stand up for his mount.
                            It is like a part of me.
                            It seems to me that if I was not born here, I would never have become a champion.
                            I am confident that our city will grow and develop, it has a future.
                            And our governor is doing all this.
                            Just need to be patient and do something themselves, and not just dream of a glorious future.

                            来自贴吧神器17楼2013-02-02 09:51
                              And if you know the native streets?
                              It happens.
                              I immediately start to feel embarrassed, smiling broadly.
                              People ask permission to take a picture or just ask, how are you.

                              来自贴吧神器18楼2013-02-02 09:52