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Understanding Defense – Attack.A tip from Vladimir Vasiliev


The power of Systema is in natural movements. We develop the power of natural movements when we train and start to understand ourselves.
Natural movements remove unwanted emotions such as aggression, pride and fear. The fighter then becomes calm and composed, he would just be doing a warrior’s job. For him defense-offense issue would not even exist.
For example, it does not matter for us whether we open a tap or close a tap, it is just a move.Being calm and in a confrontation allows us to see the unnatural actions of the attacker – his aggression, tension, lack of mobility and other weaknesses. Spontaneously and instantly, we can then choose the right distance, movements and speed to get the job done.

1楼2013-03-26 11:20回复
    这篇短文简单地点出 Systema 能随时应付突发状况的原因,不是出于警觉或是时时刻刻提防,而是让日常生活中的每个举动都具有防卫或攻击作用,简言之,无所谓 "攻" 或 "防" ,不过是留意自己的反应是否合宜,自己没问题,别人抛过来的问题也不造成问题,那岂不是都结了?

    2楼2013-03-26 11:32

      4楼2018-09-26 16:24