
I really, I really, really love that girl. I love that girl, like, I would jump off a building for that girl.我真的真的喜欢那个女孩儿,我爱她,就像我要为了她而跳楼。
【查理兹·塞隆在CinemaCon上告诉Access Hollywood的Billy Bush 】

她是如此如此的如此如此的令人惊艳。她是那么的完美……她很能做背部推拿“She’s amazing, she’s amazing. She’s the real deal… [and] she gives really good back rubs.”
“Kristen是我喜欢与之相处的那种演员,因为没有任何一件事情能够阻挡她完成工作。”“[Kristen] is the kind of actor that I like to be around because there’s nothing she’d really stop at in order to do the job,”
“她拥有极高的天赋,而且还不固执不狗屁……她真是碉堡了!” “She’s got a tremendous amount of talent and, you know, I think you can have talent, but if you don’t have tenacity and moxy… She’s bad ass.”