(转自 杨雅慧吧 )
Saving Face Script
You were right, Winston.
Kid's got the touch.
Reminds me a little of you.
Think she'll be chief of surgery
when she's 55?
When she's 40.
Suture, please.
She got a sweetheart yet?
No time to date.
The hospital keeps her too busy.
She was always first in her class.
Not like my lazy Raymond.
He never opens a book,
only his wallet.
At he's already VP of his company.
What are you complaining about?
Yeah, money seems to cling to him,
but what's the use?
He's only ' ".
Let me tell you...
...every Friday, Wilhelmina
comes home for the dance.
Good. See you there tonight.
Be discrete. Nothing kills romance
faster than a mother's approval.
Have faith, I know what to do.
And make sure his hands are clean.
It's flu season.
I'll wash them myself if I have to.
Okay, bye-bye.
You're late again.
- All the crab is gone.
- This party's a bust. Let's go to KFC.
Cheeky girl.
So thin. You'll catch your death.
I see men's clothes
are still in style.
Let me button that for you.
People are going to think....
- Give me that!
- Mother.
Wil, I love your outfit!
Don't you think it's too boyish?
I had a pair just like those
during the Revolution.
Sturdy and practical.
Just the thing for war.
Your high heels on the other hand....
Those things will kill you.
It'll be a miracle
if you don't trip and die.
I'm going to get some squid.
Hey, Grandma.
How about it, Wil?
Do me the honor?
Good to see you, Old Yu.
How much did your mom bribe you
to come over here?
So who's the unlucky fellow
this week?
I'm not sure, but I think it's shorty,
next to the punch bowl.
- How can you tell?
- Call it a hunch.
- I think he's some sort of stock whiz.
- Does he have stock in Rogaine?
I'm glad you weren't this snarky
before our setup.
Okay, out with it.
My mother gave me bucks
to dance with you.
Yeah, well, you dance like a girl.
Let me say a few words.
As the lazy toads
of summer give way...
...to the crackling
of autumn leaves...
...one's mind naturally turns toward
the demise of our children's education.
I give thanks to the woman
who has suffered alongside me.
- I toast you.
- Okay, no more suffering. Let's eat.
Here we go. Signal if you need me.
- Raymond.
- Wil.
Shall we?
So, what do you do, Raymond?
Well, I do some short selling
on Wall Street. It's a pretty sweet job.
Look at those two.
Don't their faces
Saving Face Script
You were right, Winston.
Kid's got the touch.
Reminds me a little of you.
Think she'll be chief of surgery
when she's 55?
When she's 40.
Suture, please.
She got a sweetheart yet?
No time to date.
The hospital keeps her too busy.
She was always first in her class.
Not like my lazy Raymond.
He never opens a book,
only his wallet.
At he's already VP of his company.
What are you complaining about?
Yeah, money seems to cling to him,
but what's the use?
He's only ' ".
Let me tell you...
...every Friday, Wilhelmina
comes home for the dance.
Good. See you there tonight.
Be discrete. Nothing kills romance
faster than a mother's approval.
Have faith, I know what to do.
And make sure his hands are clean.
It's flu season.
I'll wash them myself if I have to.
Okay, bye-bye.
You're late again.
- All the crab is gone.
- This party's a bust. Let's go to KFC.
Cheeky girl.
So thin. You'll catch your death.
I see men's clothes
are still in style.
Let me button that for you.
People are going to think....
- Give me that!
- Mother.
Wil, I love your outfit!
Don't you think it's too boyish?
I had a pair just like those
during the Revolution.
Sturdy and practical.
Just the thing for war.
Your high heels on the other hand....
Those things will kill you.
It'll be a miracle
if you don't trip and die.
I'm going to get some squid.
Hey, Grandma.
How about it, Wil?
Do me the honor?
Good to see you, Old Yu.
How much did your mom bribe you
to come over here?
So who's the unlucky fellow
this week?
I'm not sure, but I think it's shorty,
next to the punch bowl.
- How can you tell?
- Call it a hunch.
- I think he's some sort of stock whiz.
- Does he have stock in Rogaine?
I'm glad you weren't this snarky
before our setup.
Okay, out with it.
My mother gave me bucks
to dance with you.
Yeah, well, you dance like a girl.
Let me say a few words.
As the lazy toads
of summer give way...
...to the crackling
of autumn leaves...
...one's mind naturally turns toward
the demise of our children's education.
I give thanks to the woman
who has suffered alongside me.
- I toast you.
- Okay, no more suffering. Let's eat.
Here we go. Signal if you need me.
- Raymond.
- Wil.
Shall we?
So, what do you do, Raymond?
Well, I do some short selling
on Wall Street. It's a pretty sweet job.
Look at those two.
Don't their faces