作者原话,那些好多人拿火箭发射场面中一闪而过的两个Neil来作为梦中梦的证据。其实那是个bug= =
"I was watching some Let's-Play of it and someone said "Look!" and I was like "What?" So basically, at the very end, launch scene, during the ending launch sequence, there's a flashback to the bridge where Dr. Watts and Dr. Rosalene were standing, and for a moment, you can see two Dr. Watts and they're just standing one behind each other and people were saying "Oh, that's the evidence that we are in a memory right now!" but whether or not we're really in a memory was a mistake on my part. There weren't supposed to be two Dr. Watts." --Kan Gao
"I was watching some Let's-Play of it and someone said "Look!" and I was like "What?" So basically, at the very end, launch scene, during the ending launch sequence, there's a flashback to the bridge where Dr. Watts and Dr. Rosalene were standing, and for a moment, you can see two Dr. Watts and they're just standing one behind each other and people were saying "Oh, that's the evidence that we are in a memory right now!" but whether or not we're really in a memory was a mistake on my part. There weren't supposed to be two Dr. Watts." --Kan Gao