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Alyssa receives the Vagabond Artefact from Caius while sleeping with Hope in his time capsule.
After betraying Serah and Noel, Alyssa arranges for the duplicates in the Augusta Tower to kill Hope as an act of desperation to save herself from disappearing.
In the Augusta Tower's system, Hope finds a diary belonging to Alyssa, telling the events in the Bresha Ruinsat 5 AF, revealing her hatred of the Pulse l'Cie for causing the Purge, how she came to hate Noel, Serah, and Hope for trying to kill her by fixing the timeline, and how she tries to stay alive by siding with Caius.
When Hope evades the duplicates, Alyssa tries to kill him herself but begins to disappear.
After Alyssa fades from existence, only a few people including Hope have vague memories of her.
In 500 AF, Alyssa is apparently replaced by an Academy intern named Aina Stein, an implied descendent of her friend Nena Stein.