Breed Standard
Appearance The Saarloos Wolfdog is a powerful, wolfish coarse-haired dog. The male stands 65 to 75 cms (24 - 28 inches); the female stands 60 to 70 cms (22 - 26 inches). Although the oval bone is powerful, it must be coarse. The Saarloos Wolfhond's build is harmonious, the legs are long without giving the dog a long-legged impression. There is a clear difference in appearance and air between the male and female. The Saarloos Wolfdog should give the impression of an alert, cautious and affectionate dog with a reserved attitude towards persons and circumstances unknown to it. There should however, be no signs of nervousness. One of the striking characteristics of the Saarloos Wolfdog is an independence of action.
Head The head must give a wolf-like impression and its size must be in harmony with the body. The skull is broad and smooth witha light curvature between the ears and it is gradually wedge-shaped towards the eyes. The sides are also smooth without recesses. The occiput must not show clearly. The change to a powerful well-filled muzzle consists of a light stop. The length from the point of the nose to the stop is more or less similar to the length from the occiput to the stop. The muzzle should not be pointed. The nose is broad and firm and according to the colour of the coat, black or liver coloured. The lips are well-closed and do not hang over. The Saarloos Wolfdog has a complete and powerful set of scissor-shaped incisors.
Eyes The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped and slightly inclining, preferably yellow. The expression is alert and at the same time reserved.
Ears The ears are erect, medium-sized and end slightly pointing from a wide base. They are fleshy, well-haired on the inside and slightly inclining.
Neck The neck is dry, muscular and gradually passes to the rump.
Rump The rump is slightly longer than the height of the dog (measured at the withers). The back is straight and strong, the loins powerful and muscular, and the croup is not too narrow and inclines normal. The brisket is broad with well-vaulted ribs and does not reach under the elbows.
Tail The tail is jointed rather deep and carried in the shape of a sabre when in rest and does not show much movement. The Saarloos Wolfdog can carry its tail in an upward position when in action and when showing dominant behaviour.
Scapula The shoulder blades are long, slantingly positioned and well joined. The forehand is well-hooked with straight legs and an elastic metatarsus. A slightly outwards position of the forefeet is allowed.
Backhand The backhand is normally hooked, powerful and muscular and it may be slightly cow-heeled.
Feet The feet are slightly oval, well-closed with slightly bent toes and firm elastic pads.
Gait The gait of the Saarloos Wolfdog is light and loose and flexible but cautious, so that a quick change of speed is possible. The gait is very typical and resembles that of the wolf.
Coat The Saarloos Wolfdog is a coarse-haired dog with very dense wooly undercoat and firm guard hairs, which form an obvious collar around the neck.
Colour The occuring colours range from light to dark shaded black wild-type (the so called wolf-grey), from a light to dark shaded brown wild-type (the so called wood-brown), and very light cream to white. Other colours are not allowed. Wolf-grey dogs must have black noses, the wood-brown ones liver-coloured noses, and the white dogs preferably black noses, although a flesh-tinted nose is allowed in such a dog.
Faults Flap or lop-ears and a stiff curl in the tail are considered serious faults.
AuthorWritten by Torine Sørensen who co-owns with her husband Leif the only Saarloos Wolfhond kennel, Kennel Yoi-inu, in the nordic countries.