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陪审员的责任 我朝媒体 辛普森

来自iPad1楼2013-11-22 14:46回复

    2楼2013-11-24 20:13
      There were eleven votes for guity. It's not easy to raise my hand and send the boy off to die without talking about first.
      supposing we r wrong?

      3楼2013-11-24 21:02
        secret ballot

        4楼2013-11-24 21:04
          The boy on trial is probably guity but i want to hear more.

          5楼2013-11-24 21:08
            疑罪从轻 疑罪从无

            6楼2013-11-25 19:42
              I would say, if it were my daughter, I’d like to kill whoever did it myself. And if I ever came face-to-face with the guy, I couldn’t guarantee any of you that I wouldn’t kill him. But if I did, it would be wrong. And for the State to kill reflectively, absent emotion, on ceremony, it is not right.

              7楼2013-11-25 22:10

                来自Android客户端8楼2013-11-25 22:18
                  The Two VotesThat Altered the Verdict
                  A boy’s life wassaved, or, a killer was set free. We’ll never know whether he killed his fatheror not but what we do know is that he was acquitted due to the criterion ofbeyond a reasonable doubt. Obviously, Juror NO.8 shall take most credit as heconvinced the other eleven jurors to bring in a verdict of “Not Guilty”. However,another man shall not be neglected. He is Juror NO.9, the old man who supportedJurorNO.8 even though he didn’t believe the boy’s innocence at the time. Thetwo votes in favor of the boy’s innocence, which appeared respectively in thefirst and the second round pulled the jury back from a guilty verdict. As amatter of fact, Juror NO.8 and Juror NO.9 had the same intention.
                  “There were elevenvotes for guilty. It's not easy to raise my hand and send the boy off to diewithout talking about it first.” said Juror NO.8. There has to be someone standsout to stop a group of people from killing one single person with indiscretion.It’s just humanity. “The boy on trial is probably guilty but I want to hearmore.” said Juror NO.9. That’s the law,or the criterion of beyond a reasonable doubt to be more specific. Thecriterion has nothing to be advanced, if truth to be told because it is theresult of reason of human. For an institution to kill one person reflectively,absent emotion, on ceremony, they have to be absolutely sure. As long as thereis a reasonable doubt, the one on trial shall be found not guilty.

                  9楼2013-11-26 09:09
                    lesson 5

                    来自Android客户端10楼2013-11-26 10:50