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IP属地:福建1楼2013-12-14 09:10回复
    Now, there was a huge kerfuffle earlier this year when it started to be revealed how many
    large multinational companies were using all kinds of loopholes to avoid paying taxes -
    usually a case of doing business in one country but paying tax in another with much lower
    tax rates. It was an outcry, for example, here in the UK that the likes of Google, Starbucks, Amazon and Npower, were able to make huge savings by paying their taxes elsewhere. Well the British government has just responded by coming up with something called the general anti-abuse rule. The government says it should prevent between $60 and $80 million a year haemorrhaging away. But its critics say the Exchequer is currently losing around $35 billion a year. Well, Nicola Smith is through the head of the Economic and Social Affairs with the
    Britain's trade union movement at the TUC and I asked her what's wrong with the
    government's new rules. We were very optimistic when we heard that the government was
    going to introduce this bill because you would think from this end of it that it would be a new rule that would prevent tax avoidance and tax abuse in the UK. But actually as more
    information about the rule has emerged, it's become clear that it's extremely weak and will in fact only tackle about 1% of tax avoidance in the UK at best.

    IP属地:福建2楼2013-12-14 09:11
      今年早些时候,多家跨国企业被曝出利用各种漏洞来避税——通常是在一国经营业务但是在另一税率要低很多的国家缴税,由此还引发了一场骚乱。比如像谷歌、星巴克、亚马逊、Npower等公司虽然在英国也有业务,但是因为在其他国家缴税,所以省下了一大笔钱,很多人对此表示不满。作为回应,英国政府制订了反避税法规,称每年能阻止6~8千万美金外流。但批评者指出,财政部现在每年流失的税款高达350亿美元左右。我采访了英国工会运动(英国劳工联合会议)经济和社会事务部部长Nicola Smith,看看她认为政府的新政策有何不妥。 我们刚听到政府要出台这项法规的时候非常乐观,因为从我们的角度来说,这项新政可以阻止英国境内的避税行为。但事实上,随着关于新政的信息逐渐浮出,我们发现该政策其实做不了什么,最多也就能解决1%的避税。

      IP属地:福建3楼2013-12-14 09:12
        kerfuffle /kəˈfʌfl/
        n. 吵闹,混乱
        There was a bit of a kerfuffle during the race when a dog impeded the leading runners.
        loophole /ˈluːphəʊl/
        n. (法律上的)漏洞,空子
        It is estimated that 60,000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some
        loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.
        outcry /ˈaʊtkraɪ/
        n. 强烈抗议,公开反对
        The killing caused an international outcry.
        haemorrhage /ˈhemərɪdʒ/ (美式作hemorrhage)
        v. 大出血,严重流失
        If this is left untreated, one can actually haemorrhage to death.
        Exchequer /ɪksˈtʃekə(r)/
        n. (英国的)财政部
        As a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Brown is well placed to try to sort out Britain's fiscal mess.
        TUC = Trades Union Congress (英国)劳工联合会议
        The TUC said remuneration for directors of FTSE 100 companies had risen by 105 percentage points more than the rise in the retail price index since 2000.

        IP属地:福建4楼2013-12-14 09:19
          2. Julie Andrews leads the company in a famous Sherman Brothers song from the 1964 Disney musical "Mary Poppins", based on P.L. Travers' stories about the formidable yet fantastic nanny who transforms the lives of the Banks family of Cherry Tree Lane. And "Saving Mr. Banks" is the film that the Walt Disney company has made about the often combative
          sometimes comic duel between the author and Disney himself, played by Tom Hanks with
          as he struggles through script conferences and production meetings to bend her creation to his particular populous brand of entertainment. But this is really Pamela Travers' story.
          Played by Emma Thompson, she emerges as a restless woman whose clipped accent disguised her Australian upbringing, a turbulent childhood which ended with the early death of her
          adored father. Out of this pain, came inspiration for the nanny figure who could put everything right. But her Mary Poppins was a very different creature from Disney's vision with songs and what she loathed most, animated sequences. When I met Emma Thompson, I asked
          how far back in her childhood the Poppins connection ran? Had she read the book when
          she saw the film?
          Book first, then film, and even as a little person, with one of those curious things where the
          film didn't spoil a book for me because I experienced the both as two completely different
          events. Just funny doing publicity because it's a sort of, the way of closing, the chapter
          because you start looking at what it is you've done.

          IP属地:福建5楼2013-12-14 11:18
            combative [ 'kɒmbətɪv]
            adj. 好战的, 斗志旺盛的, 杀气腾腾的
            He conducted the meeting yesterday in his usual combative style, refusing to admit any
            duel ['djuːəl]
            n. 决斗;斗争
            The campaign, however, soon turned into a verbal duel between Roosevelt and Wilson.
            gusto ['gʌstəʊ]
            n. 爱好, 由衷的高兴, 嗜好
            Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto.
            bend [bend]
            vi. 屈服;倾向
            bend to sb's will
            loath [ləʊθ]
            adj. 勉强的;不情愿的
            Sensing he held the advantage, Mr. Danbar was loath to change the subject.

            IP属地:福建6楼2013-12-14 11:21
              在1964年迪士尼出品的音乐电影 《欢乐满人间》里,朱莉·安德鲁斯主唱了雪曼兄弟创作的著名歌曲。这部电影是基于P.L.特拉弗斯的故事改编而成的,讲述了一位了不起的保姆改变了《樱桃树胡同》中Banks一家的生活。 《大梦想家》这部电影讲述了沃特·迪斯尼与原作者之间为了改编权而展开的时而激烈时而有趣的争斗。汤姆·汉克斯在片中满怀热情地饰演了迪士尼一角。尽管迪士尼不断开会商讨脚本和电影制作问题,希望她愿意把作品交给自己大受欢迎的娱乐品牌,但这确实是特拉弗斯写的的故事。艾玛·汤普森在片中饰演这位不耐烦的女士。她短促的口音掩盖了她的澳大利亚出身,她在那里失去了挚爱的父亲,度过了动荡的童年。由于这伤痛,她有了灵感,一位无所不能的保姆形象出现了。不过,她笔下的仙女玛丽·波平斯与迪士尼的音乐版大相径庭,更何况还是以她最不愿意的动画形式。当我见到艾玛·汤普森时,我问她关于仙女波平斯的童年记忆可以追溯到何时,她看电影之前是否看过书。

              IP属地:福建7楼2013-12-14 11:24

                8楼2013-12-14 17:40
                  So where does the world get its gold? Well, the best people to answer that question are at
                  the World Gold Council, the main trade body of the big gold mining companies, and it's
                  based right here in London. I spoke to the head of the council's investment department
                  Marcus Grubb. Gold is a very interesting metal, 'cause a very large amount of supply comes from recycling. And there's no other metal where the recycling and the mining are similar in size. Where the mining comes from? South Africa in about 1970 and 1980 were three
                  quarters of mine production. Today the largest country is China with about 14%. So gold
                  production now is much more diverse. So how much gold is there in the world? The best
                  guess is a cube about 20 and a half metres square. It's bit bigger than a house. But if you plant it on the top of St Paul's, it will sort of replace the dome. And the price has recently peaked, hasn't it? Yes, well this is the first year where you're going to see a decline in price in gold for 13 years. There is a component which is insecurity. People are buying gold because
                  they think it's a relatively secure asset in times of trouble. Yes, those investors were buying gold as a sort of short-term portfolio insurance especially after the failure of Lehman Brothers since 2008. Now the reason that some of those investors have come out this year is because they're getting less worried. They think the financial system is now not fixed but it's
                  healing, world economy starting to recover and the central banks come withdraw stimulus.。

                  IP属地:福建9楼2013-12-15 11:24
                    那么全世界的金子从何而来?能准确回答这个问题的人就在世界黄金协会里,该组织是各大金矿公司的主要交易机构,就设立在伦敦。和我交谈的是该协会投资部的经理马尔库斯·格拉布。 黄金是一个很有趣的金属,因为其大部分的供给来源于回收利用。并且除他以外,也再没有一种金属的回收和矿藏大小相当。那么金矿在哪儿?南非曾经在1970年到1980年间囊括了世界3/4的金矿产量,今天,最大的金矿产国是中国,约为14%。所以如今的黄金产量更加分散了。 那么世界上到底有多少黄金? 比较好的形容是,大约20.5米边长形成的立方体那么大,稍微比一座房子大一些。如果你将它放在圣保罗大教堂顶部,它基本能覆盖屋顶。 最近黄金价格达到了顶峰,对吗? 是的,今年是13年以来金价第一次下跌。 购买黄金主要考虑市场的不安全性。人们将它作为骚乱时期相对安全的资产来保值。 是的,特别是在2008年雷曼兄弟破产后,投资者们购买黄金作为一种短期投资组合保险。今年投资者们退出黄金市场主要是他们的担忧正在减弱。他们认为目前的金融体系虽不完全稳定,但已在恢复阶段,世界经济也在反弹,各国央行撤出刺激计划。

                    IP属地:福建10楼2013-12-15 11:24
                      Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees.
                      portfolio insurance
                      The empirical study shows that portfolio insurance can reduce the loss in bear market and capture upside in bull market.
                      heal /hiːl/
                      Two hours ago, they healed over and went out for dinner together.
                      withdraw /wɪðˈdrɔːəl, wɪθ-/
                      v.去除; 结束
                      If you experience any unusual symptoms after withdrawing the treatment then contact your doctor.

                      IP属地:福建11楼2013-12-15 11:25
                        Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail, imprisoned by the white minority government to serve his efforts to fight the injustice of apartheid. By the time he gained his freedom in 1990,
                        he'd captured the imagination of the people around the world. His greatest achievement was to then take South Africa into a new era without the widespread bloodshed that had been
                        feared. In a BBC interview Mr Mandela explained how he was able to be so magnanimous.
                        "If we don't forgive them then that feeling of bitterness and revenge will be there and we are saying, 'let us forget the past, let's concern ourselves with the present and the future', but
                        to say the atrocities of the past will never be allowed to happen again." Our former southern Africa correspondent Mike Wooldridge who was there to see Nelson Mandela's release
                        looks back at a remarkable life. "I, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, do hereby swear to be
                        faithful to the Republic of South Africa."

                        IP属地:福建12楼2013-12-15 19:38
                          为了在白人执政政府下和不公平的种族隔离制度斗争,纳尔逊•曼德拉在监狱中度过27载岁月。而当他在1990年重获自由,他得到了全世界的关注。他最大的成就是当时在没有造成大规模流血的情况下带领南非进入了一个新时代。在一次BBC的采访中,曼德拉先生解释了为什么他能那样的宽宏大量。 “如果我们不原谅他们,那怨恨和复仇将一直在那里。我们会说,‘让我们忘记过去,让我们更关注现在和将来’,但是我们也要说暴行决不允许再次发生。” 我们的前任南非记者Mike Wooldridge曾在那里见证了纳尔逊•曼德拉出狱,他将带我们回顾曼德拉传奇的一生。 “我,纳尔逊•曼德拉,特此发誓效忠于南非共和国。”

                          IP属地:福建13楼2013-12-15 19:38
                            apartheid [ə'pɑːtheɪt; ə'pɑːtaɪd]
                            n. 种族隔离
                            To this day there is no great rapport between these people and the Africans, mainly Xhosas, who have flocked to Cape Town since the end of apartheid.
                            bloodshed ['blʌdʃed]
                            n. 流血;杀戮
                            Everyone expects the bloodshed on all sides to increase, and that includes the civilians
                            caught in the middle.
                            magnanimous [mæg'nænɪməs]
                            adj. 宽宏大量的;有雅量的
                            It is not only the need for strict integrity and the need to undergo supervision by the masses of the magnanimous!
                            atrocity [ə'trɒsɪtɪ]
                            n. 暴行;凶恶,残暴
                            Seeing such a terrible sight before his eyes, he was savaged by his enemy's atrocity.

                            IP属地:福建14楼2013-12-15 19:46
                              Now it's an important moment in the psychology of Europe's single currency zone. For the
                              past three years, Ireland has relied on an emergency funding from international creditors
                              including European Union, to stay afloat and navigate its way out of its debt crisis. Those
                              emergency financial lifelines came with stringent conditions and Irish salaries and jobs had
                              to be slashed to meet them. But after this weekend, Ireland wants to stand on its own
                              financial feet again. Dublin's saying no thanks to any further emergency loans from the
                              EU. It'll head back to international financial markets alone, the first of the bailed-out eurozone countries to do so. But is it really ready? Earlier, I spoke to the BBC's Chief Economics Correspondent Hugh Pym who travelled to Dublin. I'm standing right in the centre of Dublin, just along from Trinity College and the Central Bank. And people are very much going about
                              their normal businesses as no sense of celebration. I think people are pretty aware that this is one very important milestone which Ireland is passing, coming out of the bail-out programme but there are still many challenges ahead. And obviously, a few years of austerity have left people feeling very much out-of-pocket and some feel they've suffered at the hands of international lenders. So that's not a great deal to celebrate, but certainly a feeling of relief
                              here. And what's the government been saying then? The government's certainly not in the
                              celebratory moods. It knows that the battle is far from over. It is now having to confront a
                              future with debt which still has to be brought down. It still needs to see economic growth
                              picking up. So there's no attempt by the government, if you like, to get people celebrating
                              out there on the streets.

                              IP属地:福建15楼2013-12-16 10:43