As the recently departed Moriarty in Sherlock, AndrewScott played one of the best-dressed villains on TV. As it happens, the Irishactor - currently filming Frankenstein with Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy -dresses just as well in real life, appearing on the front row of today's TopmanDesign show at LC:M in a sharply tailored blue suit and camel jacket. After the show, Scott took a moment to talk to GQ about keepingMoriarty's outfits, his own taste in clothes, and his best piece of fashionadvice. 不久前Andrew Scott在《神探夏洛克》中扮演的角色Moriarty死去了,而他诠释的这一角色成为了荧屏上衣着最光鲜的罪犯之一。这位爱尔兰演员近日正和Daniel Radcliffe以及James McAvoy一起拍摄Frankenstein。现实生活中的他也打扮得体,出现在今天的伦敦男装时装秀TopmanDesign秀场的前排。他穿着精裁的蓝西装和驼色夹克。时装秀表演结束后,Scott接受了《GQ》杂志的简短采访,谈论了Moriarty的服装造型、他自己的穿衣品味以及他对时尚的真知灼见。
GQ: Firstof all, what are you wearing? GQ:首先想问问你现在的穿着 Andrew Scott: A bit of everything! I'm wearingPaul & Joe, and a bit of Topshop, and a pair of socks that I nicked fromthe Old Vic theatre. Andrew Scott:我基本什么都穿!我现在穿着Paul& Joe,还有几件Topshop的衣服,袜子是老维克剧院那里淘到的。 Isthis your first time at LondonCollections: Men? 今天是你第一次来看伦敦男装时装秀吗? It is actually. I was supposed to come last year but then work got in the way,so I'm glad to be here. I like clothes. 确实是的,我本来去年就想来的,但因为工作耽误了,所有很高兴今年能来。我喜欢服装。 Didyou have a highlight of the Topman Design show? TopmanDesign的这场秀有没有让你觉得特别出彩的地方? I kind of liked the colour - I liked that they weredoing orange and that bright blue stuff. And of course the fact that they wereall rained on at the end. I was thinking, "You'd think they wouldhave fixed the roof before the show…" 我挺喜欢这些衣服的色调——我喜欢他们设计的橘色服装还有那个湖蓝色的搭配。当然结尾处模特们穿着衣服在雨中走秀那段也很不错。我当时就想,“你会觉得他们应该在时装秀开场前就把屋顶修好……”
We spoketo costume designer Sarah Arthur the other day about Sherlock - the clothes thatMoriarty wore in that were fantastic. 前几天我们采访了《神探夏洛克》的服装造型设计师Sarah Arthur——她说Moriarty在剧里穿的服装棒极了。 Oh man, the Vivienne Westwood! Yeah the clotheswere great. 拜托老兄,那可是Vivienne Westwood!那服装确实超赞。 Dothey let you pilfer anything from the set? 他们有让你从拍摄现场偷偷拿走什么吗? Yeah they did! [Grinning conspiratorially] You have to becareful… you've got to be careful wearing clothes from the shows that you do. 他们有哦!【诡诘一笑】你得很小心——你必须很小心地穿你在剧里穿过的衣服。 BenedictI hear used to own one of the Belstaff coats, but donated it to the show. 我听说Benedict之前有一件Belstaff的大衣,不过捐给剧组了。 Exactly. You couldn't wear it out. If I wore thatVivienne Westwood suit I would just look like a total prick! [Laughs] You can sortof wear little, smaller things again. But you've got to be careful. The clotheson Sherlock were fantastic. One of my favourite parts of acting is the clothesthat you get to wear, because it's very important [to a character]. It's verytelling. 是的。你不能把它穿出去。我要是穿着那件Vivienne Westwood的西装,看起来就完全是个坏蛋!【笑】你可以少穿点儿,再搭配一些小配件,但你真得很小心。Sherlock里的服装真的棒极了。我在拍戏过程中最喜欢的部分之一就是我要穿的服装,因为服装【对角色】很重要,很能说明人物特点。
What'syour best piece of fashion advice for men? 你对男士时尚有什么建议吗? Never, ever wear three-quarter length trousers.Even in the summer. Or… I don't think sleeveless T-shirts look good on eithermen or women. 永远,不要穿七分裤。夏天也别穿。还有……我觉得不管是男士还是女士穿无袖T恤都不好看。 Willwe see you at any more shows? 我们还能在其他秀上见到你吗? I'm doing Richard James tomorrow - that is tomorrowright? And then a couple of things, maybe another show on Wednesday. I'moff to work now. We're filming Frankenstein at the moment. 我明天要去看Richard James的时装秀——那是明天对吧?然后还有一些其他事情,或许周三还能去看另一场秀。我现在要去工作啦,我们现在在拍摄Frankenstein。 How's it going? 拍摄进展如何? It's going great! 进展不错!