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这是我刚在金山词霸的资讯里看到的,天呀!《 舒马赫病情突恶化》


舒马赫病情突恶化,或成植物 人?
2014-01-17 来源:双语资讯
The U.K.'s Daily Mail online has reported a growing concern that Michael Schumacher may never come out of his coma. The retired Formula One legend, 44, who suffered severe head injuries in a skiing accident at a French Alps resort on Dec. 29, has been in a medically induced, unconscious state for 18 days.据英国《每 日邮报》报道,自从事故发生之后,迈克 尔·舒马赫一直未曾醒来。这位44岁的退役 F1传奇车王于去年12月29日在法国阿尔卑 斯山度假胜地发生滑雪事故,入院接受医 疗救治后持续昏迷了18天。
The fears for his future are being fueled by German publications that have interviewed brain injury experts whose forecasts are dire.
有德国媒体采访了脑损伤专家, 从专家可怕的预测来看,舒马赫未来 堪忧。
According to the experts, a patient who is put in an artificial coma, which helps the brain recover more quickly, is usually brought out of it after one to two weeks. Schumacher, who also had surgery on his skull to relieve cranial pressure caused by brain swelling, reportedly has not recovered enough to make doctors plan to wake him.
专家称,对病人采取人工昏迷疗 法有利于大脑尽快恢复,通常1-2周之 内就会清醒过来。为减缓舒马赫脑肿 胀对头颅的压力,医生也对他的头骨 进行了手术,然而据报道,医生因舒 马赫恢复状况不佳而不能按计划唤醒 他。
The longer a coma lasts, the greater the damage it indicates, and it is possible that Schumacher could remain in that state for the rest of his life.
昏迷状态持续的时间越长,它所 造成的损伤越大,很可能舒马赫将以 植物人的形式度过余生。
Schumacher remains in critical condition at a hospital in Grenoble, France, where his wife and two children are holding a constant vigil.
舒马赫病情依然相当严重,目前 在法国格勒诺布尔的一家医院接受治 疗,由妻子和两位孩子轮流看护。

IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端1楼2014-01-18 23:37回复