Rowling: I know, I’m sorry, I can hear the rageand fury it might cause some fans, but if I’m absolutely honest, distance hasgiven me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons,not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people’s hearts by saying this? Ihope not.
Watson: I don’t know. I think there are fans outthere who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been ableto make her happy.
Rowling: Yes exactly.
Watson: And vice versa.
同理也可以反过来 (赫敏是否能让罗恩快乐)。
Rowling: It was a young relationship. I thinkthe attraction itself is plausible but the combative side of it… I’m not sureyou could have got over that in an adult relationship, there was too muchfundamental incompatibility. I can’t believe we are saying all of this – thisis Potter heresy!
In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit, and I’lltell you something very strange. When I wrote Hallows, I felt this quitestrongly when I had Hermione and Harry together in the tent! I hadn’t told[Steven] Kloves that and when he wrote the script he felt exactly the samething at exactly the same point.
这是一段年轻的爱情,我觉得这种吸引本身是非常合理的,不过好斗的那一面么…我不太确定在一段成年人的感情中你是否还能重演这一切,(这段感情)有太多本质上的不协调了。我真不敢相信我将要说的这一切 — 和波特的话,就没有这个问题了(此处为意译,原意是说波特是相反的那一个)。
在某些方面,赫敏和哈利的确是更好的搭配,现在我要告诉你一些我自己的非常奇怪(的感受)。在我写作《死圣》的时候,当写到赫敏和哈利在帐篷里独处时,我曾非常强烈的有过这种感受(指赫敏和哈利在一起某些方面会更好)。我并没有和Steven Kloves (HP电影系列的编剧之一)说过这种感受,然而当他写作那一幕剧本时,他在那个点产生了和我一模一样的想法。
Watson: This is just so interesting because whenI was doing the scene, I said to David [Heyman]: “This isn’t in the book, shedidn’t write this.” I’m not sure I am comfortable insinuating something howeversubtle it is!
这简直是太有趣了,因为当我在拍摄那一幕时,我告诉David Heyman(HP系列电影的制片人),“这一段书里可没有,她(罗琳)没写过这些。”我不太确定我是否能自如的(表演出)暗示那么微妙的情感。
Rowling: Yes, but David and Steve – they feltwhat I felt when writing it.
Watson: That is so strange.