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IP属地:上海1楼2014-02-09 10:25回复
    课堂笔记DAY ONE:
    1. have breakfast out /have a good breakfast
    2. throughthe window
    3. onthe team
    4. do some voluntary work/ volunteer
    5. a meaningful experience
    6. do/make/ carry out an experiment
    7. in a mess/ mess up/tidy up/ in order
    8. put...away/aside
    9. takethe heavy words of / blame
    10. according to
    11. with background music
    12. excel/ excellent
    13. concentrate /concentration
    14. take a completely new step
    15. analyze/ analysis
    16. be suitable for
    17. doubtful/ doubt/ there is no doubtthat/there is no denying that…
    18. regard/consider/treat/ think of ...as/to be
    19. a lazybone’s deed
    20. get sb to do sth. / make/ have/ let sb do sth.
    21. One British school//is finding( that allowing children to listen to music or even to have TV on whilestudying //ishelping improve grades.)
    22. at a low cost/ at the cost of life/blood
    23. in good health
    24. be made out of / be made into
    25. digital products
    26. eyeproblems
    27. short-sightedness/ far
    28. grow to the expected height
    29. full potential
    30. puberty
    31. feel stressed out
    32. disrupt/disturb one’s lives
    33. stay focused
    34. Do things one at a time
    35. imaginative/ imagine/outof / beyond imagination
    36. come up with a good idea
    37. an endless river
    38. in a unique way
    39. in particular
    40. Make up into an interesting story
    41. All theabove activities for the first day of school can make the students feel comf ortable in the new school and give themsome moments( that they will remember forlong years.)
    42. Tomb Sweeping Day
    43. import/export
    44. show respect to
    45. a way of doing

    IP属地:上海2楼2014-02-09 10:26
      DAY FIVE
      1.clean…all by oneself
      2.say something against sb.
      3.the number of /a number of
      4.living space
      5.become a new tourist attraction
      6.on a sports day
      7.getready for the comingmaths exam
      8.do the laundry
      9.get stressed
      10. yourwords carry amessage
      11. tearsin your eyes
      12. communicatewith words
      13. domagic /do a magic trick
      14. give awayall my money to…
      15. turn into asmart girl
      16.a team of professional researchers
      17.different creatures
      18.a piece of underwater equipment
      19.mainly / partly /mostly because
      20.in any direction
      22.fly in noisy
      23.stay alive
      25.in different forms of their lives
      26.by breathing through the skin
      27.on the envelope
      28.our excitement grew each day
      29.fall into a deep ,happy sleep
      29.It was amazing to seethe colorful fish swimming around and I could see all the ways to theFlower Gardens, whichare almost 30 meters down.
      30.think aboutmy goals in my life
      31.get throughthe winter
      32.fly alone/in group
      33.stay active
      34.keep…alivewhile hibernating
      35.make goodprotection for
      36.have its ownlife cycle
      37.begin allover again 从头再来,重新开始
      38.haveexciting snowball fights
      39.put up/decoratethe Christmas tree
      40.carry oneating /go on /continue
      41.perform onopen-air stages
      42.look like ajade ink stone
      43.see…with own eyes
      44.make …anarea of outstanding natural beauty
      45.be well-knownfor…
      47.Be the envy of all of yourfriends in school and be the prideof your teachers and parents
      48.make sure
      49.refresh yourmemory
      50. pick oneselfup

      IP属地:上海6楼2014-02-09 10:28
        DAY SEVEN
        1.go straight to
        2.chat with sb. online
        3.This kind of silk sells well/ The penwrites smoothly/ the clothes wash easily.
        4.a boarding school
        5.feel like doing
        6.commit suicide
        7.sit by the lake
        8.some casual questions
        9.These words caused the boy’s eyes to befilled with tears.
        10. ona lonely island
        11. signal/sign/symbol
        12. ina straight line
        13. bendyour knees
        14. getout of control
        15. lower
        16. ina clockwise/anticlockwise circle
        17. inthe woods
        18. graspat it wildly
        19. noman is an island
        20. becomea best seller
        21. competewith
        22. gather
        23. involvedoing
        24. onuneven surfaces
        25. withstandphysical stress
        26. aged9 to 14
        27. explorethe earth’s climate
        28. ina massive earthquake
        29. Manypeople are feared dead.
        30. foodsupplies are running out.
        31. thereis no bottled water left.
        32. facea really serious situation
        33. inthe convenience store
        34. minimizethe effects of the disaster
        35. sunrise/sunset
        36. thebeauty of nature
        37. takein fresh air
        38. thefounder and former of CEO of Apple
        39. passaway
        40. dowhat you love
        41. lovewhat you do
        42. Job’spassion and energy encouraged the world.
        43. thinkdifferently
        44. enough space in the bus
        45. costtwice as much as…
        46. stayup too late
        47. usethis expression
        48. goout 出去,熄灭,过时
        49. saysorry to sb./apologize to sb. /make an apology to sb.
        50. beat the top in every exam
        51. befilled with =be full of
        52. getin touch with the outside world
        53. drawthe attention of …
        54. waveone’s arms up and down
        55. lighta fire /make a fire
        56. beable /unable to do sth.
        57. feed(fed, fed) sb./sth. with love
        58. flyout of the cage
        59. Thefastest way to lose love is to hold it tight. The best way to keep love is tolet it fly!
        60. takepart in the competition
        61. competitorn.

        IP属地:上海8楼2014-02-09 10:28

          IP属地:上海11楼2014-02-09 10:34

            12楼2014-02-16 09:56

              IP属地:上海13楼2014-05-16 21:40