外媒近日为我们带来了一段有关国外游戏厂商WB Games名下大作《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆骑士》的最新幕后花絮,后者为我们揭秘了游戏里的角色动作捕捉流程,如下,敬请欣赏!
While we encourage you to read April's cover story on Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham Knight, we also want to show off new aspects of the game with our month of exclusive video coverage for the game. While visiting Rocksteady Studios in London, the team let us film their motion-capture process and speak with lead animator Zafer Coban. Outside of the Batmobile, the team at Rocksteady is adding new moves and changing the way Batman fights for their final entry. The video also features cinematic director Paul Boulden directing the game's cinematics, including an early conversation between Oracle and Batman.
Watch the video below to learn about Batman's new moves and the team's approach to cinematics for Batman: Arkham Knight.