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求助 问一下 关于语言的那个Discretionary


我Cope80.5 ENG4U 81 平均分89.5,会被主校区art and science economic 录取吗?官网说Discretionary得分数五月会Review。
已经被UTSC management录取了 不过非常想去主校,请问有了解的人嘛~

来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-04-06 01:43回复
    有戏啊,为何没有!又不是很难进的专业,话说这不是武艺当年选的专业么= =

    2楼2014-04-06 02:12
      If you score 80-85 overall, with 28-31 in Writing and 18-21 in each of Reading and Listening, and you are otherwise well qualified for admission, we will automatically consider other academic evidence of English proficiency (for example, results in English courses) and we will advise you whether our English language requirements have been satisfied. It is not necessary to request this special consideration. Letters of reference will NOT be used for this purpose. As we cannot guarantee that these scores will be accepted, we recommend that you take another test if the final official results can be submitted to us by the appropriate document deadline.

      3楼2014-04-06 02:21

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2014-04-06 13:40