Advantages of Internet chatting: You meet new people You exchange your views about certain subjects You can relax because you don't have to see the person physically If you are shy this is a way of making friends You can treat some special friends you've met like pen pals, but you are chatting instead of writing letters like they use too 20 years ago Disadvantages of Internet Chatting: You just never know whom you are talking too. It could be an older man who is a pervert and acting out like he is young. You may trust this person and give out your full name; address; email addy; your phone/cell number. This is very dangerous! Tell me nothing when it comes to your identity. You may think you are falling in love with the person you are chatting with, but could live thousands of miles away and long distance relationships seldom work out. If you are shy you are far more vulnerable to being hurt by someone on the Internet and may slip up giving them too much information which they could use