MY Declaration 我的宣言
I want to make a difference. 我要创造奇迹。
I want to think big but do small. 我要志存高远,立足现实。
I must go the extra mile. 我要看别人看不到的风景。
I must be above the average. 我要超越平庸。
I am here to thrive, not to survive. 我来功成,而非苟活。
I believe i will totally change my life through my action this time. 我坚信,我的努力将改变人生。
I believe I am going to speak beautiful English. 我坚信,我能说一口漂亮的英文。
I believe all my dreams will come TRUE. 我坚信,梦想终将变成现实。
From today on, i will be there on time everyday. 从今天起,我会准时站在这里。
From now on, i will put all my heart in working, learning and living. 从今往后,我会用我全身心去工作,学习和生活。
I honor my commitment .我捍卫我的誓言。
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