first time i listened this song, Masha came through my mind directly.
especially, *cuz im the champion and you r gonna hear me roar* this sentence makes me so
because of Masha, i have a big big big american dream. go to top business school in the usaand help this Russia tennis player make more money :)
even though GMAT TOEFL GPA INTERNSHIP suck, always think i am the champion
-6/2/2014 10:30AM BEIJING
especially, *cuz im the champion and you r gonna hear me roar* this sentence makes me so
because of Masha, i have a big big big american dream. go to top business school in the usaand help this Russia tennis player make more money :)
even though GMAT TOEFL GPA INTERNSHIP suck, always think i am the champion
-6/2/2014 10:30AM BEIJING