福利贴来袭 第一弹: 竞选稿 Good afternoon, XXXX, My name is LH. Today I am very glad to have the chance to run for the XXXXX. Concerning this position, I feel qualified for the job because I am XXXX. If I am lucky enough to be XXX, I will try my best to XXXX. In order to improve XXXXX, I intend to XXXXX and so on. I sincerely hope you will XXXX me and please believe that I will be a good XXXX. Thank you. XXX部分按照文章要求填写。 福利贴来袭 第二弹: 高中毕业生选择 这类文章以前讲过,选择有N种,这里面提到的方面并不多,字数不够因为开头没有,需要大家根据文章要求自我填充。 这篇文章偏重于写出不同人不同选择的理由,不是自我的见解,请大家注意。提炼出来其中的内容就可以写成自己的观点,甚至可以联系到找工作的文章写出自己对上大学的想法。后面可以添加自己的观点,建议内容,找到朋友,促进学习,提升自己能力。Many high school students continue to study in university while some choose not to go to university but XXX. Supporters hold the view that university is not suitable for every student.(注意工作,学校是不适合所有人,而不是人不适合工作,学校。两者正反是两回事,感情完全不同) With efforts, people can realize their dreams wherever they are and society needs people with different talents. However, some people defend that university XXX让学生怎么样 a