-Developed by Tango Gameworks, published by Bethesda. [1]
-Directed by Shinji Mikami, produced by Masato Kimura, with Art Direction by Naoki Katakai. [1]
-The Evil Within is a "Pure Survival Horror" game. [1]
-Will be released on the 26th (29th in EU) of August 2014 on PS3/PS4/X360/XB1/PC [27]
-Running on a highly modified version of Id tech 5. [1]
-Mikami wants the game to be more than 10 hours long. [2]
-The game will have Chapter System structure. [14]
-There will be 14 chapters in total. [30]
-You have the option to turn off the Health Bar, tutorial and interaction icons. [28]
-No multiplayer of any kind, its purely a single-player experience. [3]
-PS3 and Xbox 360 Versions will run at 720P, while PS4 and Xbox One will run at 1080P. [20]
-The game is planned to run at 30 FPS. [29]
-There will be a different UI for the PC version to suit the Mouse/KB control method. [20]
-Developed by Tango Gameworks, published by Bethesda. [1]
-Directed by Shinji Mikami, produced by Masato Kimura, with Art Direction by Naoki Katakai. [1]
-The Evil Within is a "Pure Survival Horror" game. [1]
-Will be released on the 26th (29th in EU) of August 2014 on PS3/PS4/X360/XB1/PC [27]
-Running on a highly modified version of Id tech 5. [1]
-Mikami wants the game to be more than 10 hours long. [2]
-The game will have Chapter System structure. [14]
-There will be 14 chapters in total. [30]
-You have the option to turn off the Health Bar, tutorial and interaction icons. [28]
-No multiplayer of any kind, its purely a single-player experience. [3]
-PS3 and Xbox 360 Versions will run at 720P, while PS4 and Xbox One will run at 1080P. [20]
-The game is planned to run at 30 FPS. [29]
-There will be a different UI for the PC version to suit the Mouse/KB control method. [20]