# Configuration file
# Config
Config {
# Will attempt to find and generate blank configs for any custom armors loaded before EnviroMine.
B:"Generate Armor Configs"=true
B:"Generate Defaults"=false
# GUI Settings
"GUI Settings" {
# Change position of Enviro Bars. Options: Bottom_Left, Bottom_Right, Bottom_Center_Left,
Bottom_Center_Right, Top_Left, Top_Right, Top_Center
S:"Position Air Quality Bar"=Bottom_Right
S:"Position Heat Bat"=Bottom_Left
S:"Position Sanity Bar"=Bottom_Right
S:"Position Thirst Bar"=Bottom_Left
# Show Hide Gui Text Display and Icons
B:"Show Gui Debugging Info"=false
B:"Show Gui Icons"=true
B:"Show Gui Status Text"=true
# Show/Hide Particales
B:"Show Insanity Particles"=true
B:"Show Sweat Particales"=true
# Will display either Farenhit or Celcius on GUI
B:"Use Farenheit instead of Celsius"=false
# Physics
Physics {
# How long until individual chunk's physics starts after generation
I:"Chunk Physics Delay"=500
# This will change maximum number of blocks that can be updated with physics at a time. - 1 = Unlimited
I:"Consecutive Physics Update Cap"=128
S:"Default Stability Type (BlockIDs > 175)"=loose
# Setting Large Ice Cracking to true can cause Massive Lag
B:"Large Ice Cracking"=false
# The number of ticks between physics update passes
I:"Physics Interval"=1
B:"Stone Cracks Before Falling"=true
# At what Minecraft time the physics system kicks in (DO NOT SET TOO LOW)
I:"World Start Delay"=1000
# Potions
Potions {
I:"Heat Stroke"=28
# Speed Multipliers
"Speed Multipliers" {
# World Generation
"World Generation" {
# Generates mineshafts in villages
B:"Enable Village MineShafts"=true
# general
general {
# True/False to turn Enviromine Trackers for Sanity, Air Quality, Hydration, and Body Temperature.
B:"Allow Air Quality"=true
B:"Allow Body Temperature"=true
B:"Allow Hydration"=true
B:"Allow Sanity"=true
B:"Check For Updates"=true
# Turn physics On/Off
B:"Enable Physics"=true
B:"Enable Physics Landslide"=false
I:"EntityPhysicsBlock ID"=3
# Track enviromine properties on Non-player entites(mobs & animals)
B:"Track NonPlayer entitys"=false
# item
item {
I:"Camel Pack"=5004
I:"Cold Water Bottle"=5003
I:"Dirty Water Bottle"=5001
I:"Salt Water Bottle"=5002