Fleet Rules
1) 严格遵守美服官方的各项规定。
Stick to the rules of NFNA.
2) 严禁作弊,一经发现一律开除。
No cheating,or you will be dismissed.
3) 舰队队员是自由的。但在参加集体活动时,例如港战(HA)、舰队战、VSALL等,必须听从指挥,否则严惩不贷。
The fleet members are free. However, you must follow the orders while taking part in group activities, such as HA, fleet battle, VSALL etc..
4) 严禁地域歧视、种族歧视等行为。开玩笑可以,但绝对不允许过头。
No Geographical discrimination or racism etc.- banter is fine but if it goes beyond banter or it feels as if there's an undertone then its gone too far.
5) 请一定要开心游戏。虽然这是老生常谈,但玩游戏不就是为了放松一下或者开怀一笑吗?如果忘了这点,那离玩物丧志就不远了。
And have fun - its a cliche but we all play to wind down or to have a laugh, if we forget about that then we stand to lose ourselves in this game.
If you have any questions, feel free to post them in your application.