手持金属探测器吧 关注:52贴子:211
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盖瑞特GARRETT Superscanner超高灵敏度手持金属探测器


盖瑞特GARRETT Superscanner超高灵敏度手持金属探测器产品概述
美国原装进口盖瑞特GARRETT Superscanner1165180超高灵敏度手持式金属探测器是一种小型手持式金属探测器。主要用于海关、机场、考场等重要场所的安全检查。在考场中的应用尤为突出:用于在各类考试中防止考生携带手机、掌上电脑、电子辞典、计算器、无线传输等设备,已经成为考成必备的检测设备。

This compact detector is both lightweight and durable. It offers
features that were previously only found on more expensive models.
Complete with Carry Case with Shoulder Strap and Belt Holder
Hand held Metal Detector designed to safeguard security-sensitive areas
like schools, courtrooms, correctionsfacilities, sports events, businesses,
night clubs, bars and other public areas and events. With Optional Earpiece output and Ni-Cad charger Input.
Alert:LED light & Audio or Vibration
How to use the Body Scanner
1.Turn on power switch and scan close to search area with smooth sweeping motion.
2. Light & audio or vibration alert indicate presence of metal target.
3. Press and hold Desensitise Button to curtail sensitivity if rearby metal .
Target Sensitivity:
# Medium Pistol 12cm
# Pen Knife 12cm
# Razor Blade 7cm
Alarm Indication:
High efficiency piezo electric beeper
and LED alert the operator to the
presence of a hidden metallic object.
Operating Frequency 35KHz
Battery Life(Alkaline):Up to 80 hours
Operating Voltage 9V
Operating Temperature -5°C to +55°C
Net Weight 430g
Dimensions 420mm(L)x80mm(W)x40mm(H)

★ 超高灵敏度,可探测到极小的金属,如:大头针、订书针

指标 说明
探测方式 180°探测
报警方式 声、光报警
灵敏度调节方式 开机自动调节
电压欠压指示 电池电量不足时,闪灯提示
指示器 扬声器LED红灯供耳机使用的插孔
电池 1节9V电池(可供正常工作80小时)
基本技术参数     1)工作频率:95 KHz2)声音频率:2 KHz3)控制开关:三路:off(关闭);on(声音)4)电  池:1节9V电池5)重  量:0.4kg6)尺 寸:42cm(长)×8.3cm(宽)×4.13cm(高)
可选备件 1)220V充电器;Ni-Hi充电电池2)皮带夹
保修期 一年

1楼2014-07-03 16:36回复