I am a buddy,so that means that I have every third years' June,every third year I sign a student to mentor,I suppose.And I am just a phone number any man address,a face with the degree of experience they can just bounce questions at,how do I get an agent,what do I do for an audition tomorrow,how do you prepare for this,how do you process that, how did you feel when you first didn't get something,or this is what I'm hearing from the cast director,what does that mean,or have a choice between these two things,what do you think I should do,and my responses always are–what do you think.Because my understanding so far is–the truth is different from everybody,and everyone's journey through the kind of forest a bit of all is kind of a different one.But it's so nice to be someone that is independent from the school,that is out there in the world that they can call up and say.