每一个在你的生命里出现的人 都有原因 喜欢你的人给了你温暖和勇气 你喜欢的人让你学会了爱和自持 你不喜欢的人教会你宽容与尊重 不喜欢你的人 让你自省与成长 没有人是无缘无故出现在你的生命里的 每一个人的出现都有原因 都值得感激。 人生就是一场梦,每个人都在自己的梦里书写着自己的故事。挫折是生活的必需品,一帆风顺的生活不觉得很乏味吗?经过挫折才会让人变得更强大,有的时候挫折是成功的催化剂。人生最大的荣耀不在于从不跌倒,而在于每一次跌倒后都能自己爬起来。我最想抓住的就是时间,最怕的就是时间的流逝。在它带着你不断往前跑的时候,总是会悄悄的带走你生命中最珍贵的人或事,当你恍然大悟时才发现自己对生活是有多么的无力。我总是在不停的往回忆里看,可生活却将我快速的向前推。梦想的这条路上总会布满荆棘,有人会选择退回去,不过一定也有人会选择踏过去,有梦的人啊,坚强是我们唯一的出路,因为路的那头,阳光在等待照耀你的脸庞。 哪怕受伤也要遍体鳞伤才算活得漂亮- 你还梦不梦 你还痛不痛 回忆这么重 你会扛不动 阳光下总会有你的笑容 In once the youth young, we all have a luxuriant short dream Look into my eyes, you will see what you home Whatall lose what all do not leave Remembranceis a form of meeting, forget is a form of freedom Aboutus, will mercilessly happiness Ifyou say you love me, I will accompany you to theend Peoplewant to know blessing, to form modern ecoethics, andbenefit Afraidof losing so he pretended to have love lies give me briefhappiness Happy is the most perfect picture, can only freeze-frame in mymemory time. Please cherish the call you idiot, because youloved Time is long really can have a deep mark Memoriesbegan yellowing, think up with the smile is withpain Your promises, was support I for love all the strength withoutreservation Glassside is in the past, the other side is the future Returnnot to go, not ever of I, but once we Notall of the memories are beautiful, not all the people are worthmemory 回忆开始泛黄了,想起来牵扯的微笑却是带着疼痛感Evenif the first love dearly, self-mutilation, since waste,self-injury, from pain