During Europa, while Sica was walking toTiffany who was singing she acts touched like Fany is singing for her and holdsout her hand.
Jessica forgets her line in Mr. Taxi soTiffany points at her with a scoffing laugh like "wtf Jess" @minjoo
最后MC时黄美英和正西卡一直合比爱心想吸引摄影机注意,但镜头一直take在说话的崔秀英,那边其实还满好笑的,两人企图完全失败,还好最后介绍歌名Love& peace时她们还有坚持,最后终於赚到惊鸿一瞥的摄影特写@sherry

Jessica forgets her line in Mr. Taxi soTiffany points at her with a scoffing laugh like "wtf Jess" @minjoo
最后MC时黄美英和正西卡一直合比爱心想吸引摄影机注意,但镜头一直take在说话的崔秀英,那边其实还满好笑的,两人企图完全失败,还好最后介绍歌名Love& peace时她们还有坚持,最后终於赚到惊鸿一瞥的摄影特写@sherry