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【晒骗子】哈哈哈 抓到个骗子


加我好友 用的英文 头像是个女的 没有任何国家信息
显示玩过dota2 170+小时 库存没有任何东西
然后说35美刀买我ES和卡尔套装 哈哈哈 我一开始就知道是骗子
于是我就陪他玩了一会儿 好有趣
一日不坑浑身难受: ?
Chicaii Da Oriigz: hi sir
Chicaii Da Oriigz: can i offer to you steam money dollar for some of your items
Chicaii Da Oriigz: is it ok ?
一日不坑浑身难受: which one do you want
Chicaii Da Oriigz: okay wait a sec
Chicaii Da Oriigz: hi sir
Chicaii Da Oriigz: im enterested of your es set AND invoker set
Chicaii Da Oriigz: can i offer to you $35 for 2 set
Chicaii Da Oriigz: deal sir
Chicaii Da Oriigz: so that i will send to you the cash money right now and you will see it
一日不坑浑身难受: busy
一日不坑浑身难受: sorry
一日不坑浑身难受: later
Chicaii Da Oriigz: okay sir
Chicaii Da Oriigz 正在玩 Dota 2。 点击此处加入。
Chicaii Da Oriigz: done in game sir
Chicaii Da Oriigz 现在处于在线状态。
Chicaii Da Oriigz: hello mate?
Chicaii Da Oriigz 现在处于在线状态。
一日不坑浑身难受: sorry
一日不坑浑身难受: you have nothing in your bank
一日不坑浑身难受: how to trade
Fitz Mooreds: i will teach you mate
Fitz Mooreds: how to recieve your money
Fitz Mooreds: do you agree?
Fitz Mooreds: can i offer to you $35 for two set ? ES AND INVO
一日不坑浑身难受: sorry
一日不坑浑身难受: latter
Fitz Mooreds: ok
Fitz Mooreds 现在处于在线状态。
一日不坑浑身难受: what item do you want?
一日不坑浑身难受: earth shaker?
一日不坑浑身难受: ivoker?
Fitz Mooreds: yes
Fitz Mooreds: for $35 all
一日不坑浑身难受: ok how
一日不坑浑身难受: how to trade
Fitz Mooreds: wait
Fitz Mooreds: i will teach you
一日不坑浑身难受: um
Fitz Mooreds: done processing
Fitz Mooreds: check your notification now
Fitz Mooreds: all you have to do is to accept it
Fitz Mooreds: so that you can recieve the cash money
一日不坑浑身难受: oh let me see
Fitz Mooreds: just click the respond confirm & accept
Fitz Mooreds: if done accepting the steamsupport will message you right away sir to enter the code exactly and guid to you at the same time
Fitz Mooreds: Okay
Fitz Mooreds: and here a code
Fitz Mooreds: CODE:ZYRL-0695333021-6960443
Fitz Mooreds: do it now
一日不坑浑身难受: so where is the money
Fitz Mooreds: you done accept?
Fitz Mooreds: if done accepting you can recieve the money
一日不坑浑身难受: 先把钱打过来我再给你
Fitz Mooreds: becauese the still loading here
一日不坑浑身难受: no money first
Fitz Mooreds: after you accept you will recieve
一日不坑浑身难受: no
Fitz Mooreds: the steamsupport will message you right away sir to enter the code
一日不坑浑身难受: don't trust you
Fitz Mooreds: trust me
一日不坑浑身难受: UM
Fitz Mooreds: ive done so many times
一日不坑浑身难受: no
Fitz Mooreds: i dont want to cheat you coz i hold my reputation
一日不坑浑身难受: you got no item in your bank
Fitz Mooreds: coz im new bie
一日不坑浑身难受: money first
Fitz Mooreds: i have steam money only and no item
Fitz Mooreds: thats why im buying
一日不坑浑身难受: money first
Fitz Mooreds: after your accept you will recieve it
Fitz Mooreds: trust me
Fitz Mooreds: i give you a code right ?
一日不坑浑身难受: no no no ~money first
Fitz Mooreds: i dont want to cheat you coz i hold my reputation
Fitz Mooreds: listen to me
Fitz Mooreds: if you accept you can recieve it trust me
Fitz Mooreds: ive done so many times
一日不坑浑身难受: you have no reputation you just played dota2 170 hours
Fitz Mooreds: lol
一日不坑浑身难受: i play 1500 hours
Fitz Mooreds: check my profile down
Fitz Mooreds: you can see the + rep ?
一日不坑浑身难受: i have more so you can trust me
Fitz Mooreds: thats all my clients
一日不坑浑身难受: money first then i give you item
Fitz Mooreds: lol
Fitz Mooreds: after your accept you will recieve it
一日不坑浑身难受: no money no item
一日不坑浑身难受: find another guy
Fitz Mooreds: trust me mate
Fitz Mooreds: you will garente after your accept
Fitz Mooreds: trust me
一日不坑浑身难受: hahahahaha
Fitz Mooreds: i dont want to cheat you
一日不坑浑身难受: lol
一日不坑浑身难受: lol
一日不坑浑身难受: i will report you budy
Fitz Mooreds: i need your approval coz my money still loading here waiting to accept the other
Fitz Mooreds: go
一日不坑浑身难受: then post our coversation into the blog
一日不坑浑身难受: lol
Fitz Mooreds: ?
一日不坑浑身难受: ~
一日不坑浑身难受: no zuo no dai

IP属地:浙江1楼2014-07-16 18:57回复

    IP属地:浙江2楼2014-07-16 19:03

      IP属地:山东来自Android客户端4楼2014-07-16 19:07

        IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端5楼2014-07-16 19:11

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            IP属地:浙江7楼2014-07-16 20:52