F for Fake

Trickery. Deceit. Magic. In F for Fake, a free-form documentary by Orson Welles, the legendary filmmaker (and self-described charlatan) gleefully reengages with the central preoccupation of his career: the tenuous line between illusion and truth, art and lies. Beginning with portraits of the world-renowned art forger Elmyr de Hory and his equally devious biographer, Clifford Irving, Welles embarks on a dizzying journey that simultaneously exposes and revels in fakery and fakers of all stripes—not the least of whom is Welles himself. Charming and inventive, F for Fake is an inspired prank and a clever examination of the essential duplicity of cinema.
特别收录 Special Features:
--全新修复的正片,配以无损单声道音轨 New, restored digital transfer, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray edition
--联合编剧与出演欧嘉·蔻达和摄影师盖瑞·格雷弗与2005年录制的评论音轨 Audio commentary from 2005 by cowriter and star Oja Kodar and director of photography Gary Graver
--《最后一场电影》导演彼得·博格丹诺维奇录制的本片介绍 Introduction from 2005 by filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich
--1995年的关于威尔斯的未完成计划的纪录片《奥逊·威尔斯:单人乐队》 Orson Welles: One-Man Band, a documentary from 1995 about Welles's unfinished projects
--关于艺术品伪造大师Elmyr de Hory的纪录片 Almost True: The Noble Art of Forgery, a fifty-two-minute documentary from 1997 about art forger Elmyr de Hory
--2000录制的60分钟关于利福德·艾尔文的虚假霍华德·休斯传记计划访谈 60 Minutes interview from 2000 with Clifford Irving about his Howard Hughes autobiography hoax
--1972年关于霍华德·休斯对于艾尔文虚假传记的发布会 Hughes's 1972 press conference exposing Irving's hoax
--9分钟加长版预告片 Extended, nine-minute trailer
小册子 PLUS: An essay by critic Jonathan Rosenbaum