FeatureGenerator.lua里的这段你看过么? function FeatureGenerator:AdjustTerrainTypes() -- This function added April 2009 for Civ5, by Bob Thomas. -- Purpose of this function is to turn terrain under jungles -- into Plains, and to soften arctic terrain types at rivers. local width = self.iGridW - 1; local height = self.iGridH - 1; for y = 0, height do for x = 0, width do local plot = Map.GetPlot(x, y); if (plot:GetFeatureType() == self.featureJungle) then plot:SetTerrainType(self.terrainPlains, false, true) -- These flags are for recalc of areas and rebuild of graphics. No need to recalc from any of these changes. elseif (plot:IsRiver()) then local terrainType = plot:GetTerrainType(); if (terrainType == self.terrainTundra) then plot:SetTerrainType(self.terrainPlains, false, true) elseif (terrainType == self.terrainIce) then plot:SetTerrainType(self.terrainTundra, false, true) end end end end end