Heart infarction窒息
Busy enough to throw it into the flame忙得以为自己把一切都扔进了火里,不复存在
then to realize you're on fire to rescue it然后才发现你仍然努力地想要挽回
Is it worth it值不值得
the pass and the heart you expose过往,还有你做过的那些傻事
expose yourself into the night Explode把你自己的喜怒哀乐释放在夜色中,然后引爆
Busy enough to throw it into the flame忙得以为自己把一切都扔进了火里,不复存在
then to realize you're on fire to rescue it然后才发现你仍然努力地想要挽回
Is it worth it值不值得
the pass and the heart you expose过往,还有你做过的那些傻事
expose yourself into the night Explode把你自己的喜怒哀乐释放在夜色中,然后引爆