夜雨寒楼吧 关注:146贴子:22,988

回复:Beneath the Surface


The judge granted M political asylum, pending on routine background check. M and his attorney had anticipated hours of uphill courtroom battle, but the entire proceeding was over in 15 minutes.

90楼2014-12-05 15:30
    M recalled the frustrations and fears during this lonely and often arduous journey of asylum petition. Many of whom he had worked with in S knew about his true identity, yet none stood up and spoke the truths on his behalf, except G. M’s former handler and enemy disregarded his own live, stood by M's side, spoke the truth, and supported him. Overwhelmed, M broke down and wept. G had become a dear brother to M, a brother bonded not by blood, but by truth. And M would sacrifice his own life for G.

    91楼2014-12-05 15:34
      For G, the day he met M as M’s handler was the beginning of the end of G’s career. Initially, G was very angry at S' no response on M's plight. But in hindsight, G believed that, through silence, S was actually giving G an underhand signal indicating that S was unable to give G any formal approval, and that G could just do whatever he deemed necessary to save M.

      92楼2014-12-05 15:35
        In G's country, young men and women serve their military duties when they reach the age of 18. It was the dream of G's grandparents that there would be no war to fight when their children turned 18. But the dream was lost in the whirlwind of violence. This was also the dream of G's parents for their children. Again, this dream disappeared in huge clouds of billowing smoke from explosions. Now, as a father, this is also G’s dream for his children. Will there ever be peace between M's and G's people in the land? M and G would like to remain hopeful, but this dim hope flickers amid tempest of vengeance.

        93楼2014-12-05 15:35
          A few days after the news went viral, in March 2010, M’s father managed to have a written statement smuggled out of prison and released to the press. In the publicized announcement, the father disowned his oldest son.

          94楼2014-12-05 15:36
            M gave up everything, power, wealth, and lost his family; yet, in seeking truths he found his new identity in Christ. M believes that many followers of his father's religion are peaceful people; nonetheless, the underlying cause of bloodshed in the land and the plight of his people hinge on the violent nature, lies and deceits of his father's religion.

            95楼2014-12-05 15:36
              "As long as we continue to search for enemies anywhere but inside ourselves, there will always be a Middle East problem.
              Religion is not the solution. Religion without Jesus is just self-righteousness. Freedom from oppression will not resolve things either. Delivered from the oppression of Europe, Israel became the oppressor. Delivered from persecutions, Muslims became persecutors. Abused spouses and children often go on to abuse spouses and children. It's a cliché, but it's still true: hurt people, unless they are healed, hurt people.
              Truth and forgiveness are the only solution for the Middle East. The challenge, especially between Israelis and Palestinians, is not to find the solution. The challenge is to be the first courageous enough to embrace it."
              --- M

              96楼2014-12-05 15:37

                109楼2014-12-05 16:04
                  In order to reduce number of keystrokes, avoid censorship, “desensitize” the political and religious issues, and create an intriguing veil, I have used some abbreviations and general terms throughout this thread. I did not plan on doing so when I first started writing. They just happened. My initial intent was only to reduce number of keystrokes.
                  Below are explanations of the abbreviations and general terms used.
                  Enemy: M’s enemy was Israel or Israelis. G’s enemy is Hamas.
                  DHS: U.S. Department of Homeland Security
                  G: Gonen ben Yitzhak, an Israelis and a former handler of Shin Bet
                  H: Hamas
                  J: Jerusalem
                  M: Mosab Hassan Yousef, a Palestinian and the oldest son of a top Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef, and a former Israelis collaborator, code-named "The Green Prince", derived from the color of the Palestinian flag and M's status as the son of a key Hamas figure.
                  NT: New Testament
                  S: Shin Bet, Israel internal security agency
                  Saul of Tarsus: Apostle Paul
                  Y: Yasser Arafat
                  The religion of M’s father is Islam, and the holy book is Quran.

                  110楼2014-12-05 16:16
                    Writing this thread is a daunting and time consuming task to say the least, not only because of the voluminous information. The sad fact is that English does not come naturally to me; it does not flow smoothly. I constantly checked the usage of words and phrases and revised my writings 4, 5 times or even more. I am still unsure whether or not some of the grammars and punctuations are correct. The only comfort is that, if they are wrong, at least they followed some rules – my rules.
                    The story of M and G is a true story, and I am not the original storyteller. What I wrote is a short compilation based on information from several sources. The book “Son of Hamas” ended when M left his homeland. I found out what had happened afterwards in the film documentary “The Green Prince”, interviews and various news articles.
                    I was intrigued by the title of the book initially but did not know what it was all about. I posted this thread right after I finished reading the book. I was moved by M’s requests not to kill the terrorists whom he reported to S, and by the ways that G treated M. I was also reminded not to judge the events, situations, and people from the surface, and to look for the missing piece(s) in the puzzle.
                    The opening of the book is a very moving tribute from M. One can clearly see his aches and pain of being separated from his parents and siblings, and his hope for peace and reunion fueled by his quest for truth.
                    As the film director Nadav Schirman said, the father of M and G was each other’s enemy. Their sons grew up in different religious, political, cultural and ethnic background and environment and had different worldview. Yet, both of them listened to the inner voice of their conscience, followed the moral compass of their hearts, broke red tapes and cliché, made enormous scarifies, and chose to do the right things. Consequently, they broke the cycle of violence and became unlikely brothers.
                    Every life is like a tapestry, woven by the hands of the Creator.

                    111楼2014-12-05 16:22
                      "Life is like a tapestry. As it unfolds in real time, it’s like viewing the backside of a tapestry. It appears to be nothing more than a jumble of thread – tangled, frayed, occasionally knotted, and seemingly random.
                      But things are not always what they seem. It’s only when you turn a tapestry over that you catch a glimpse of what God is weaving into the fabric of our lives.
                      That momentary peek at glory gives us the courage to soldier on, knowing that nothing happens by accident. No thread of experience—good or bad—is wasted.
                      And the One weaving it together, knows precisely what He is doing." — Michael Hyatt

                      112楼2014-12-05 16:26
                        “Life is but a Weaving”
                        “My life is but a weaving
                        Between my God and me.
                        I cannot choose the colors
                        He weaveth steadily.
                        Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow;
                        And I in foolish pride
                        Forget He sees the upper
                        And I the underside.
                        Not ’til the loom is silent
                        And the shuttles cease to fly
                        Will God unroll the canvas
                        And reveal the reason why.
                        The dark threads are as needful
                        In the weaver’s skillful hand
                        As the threads of gold and silver
                        In the pattern He has planned
                        He knows, He loves, He cares;
                        Nothing this truth can dim.
                        He gives the very best to those
                        Who leave the choice to Him.”
                        ― Corrie ten Boom

                        113楼2014-12-05 16:28