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An unforgettable day. In Seattle, after snowing which is the first time this year. Fell down, got injured. The most serious one during the years. Thank you for the help.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-11-30 14:35回复
    Getting better. Still have trouble eating.

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-12-01 08:49
      better than yesterday. good luck this week^_^!

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-12-02 07:08
        When I put my leave with dreams on the wish tree,hope all the best. Deep bless.[PERSON WITH FOLDED HANDS]

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2014-12-03 04:58
          Had an appiontment with John and makes me consider about my future again. Life is always like that. Cherish the moment. Actually I don't want to grow up...

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2014-12-04 07:59
            So much assignment and totally under too much pressure. Ajaja Fighting!

            来自iPhone客户端6楼2015-01-27 12:31
              passing half of the quarter.

              来自iPhone客户端7楼2015-02-11 10:11
                Almost the end of the quarter. Tow more researches and two presentations. Always falling asleep. A bunch of readings are waiting for me. Work!

                来自iPhone客户端8楼2015-02-28 02:44
                  Life is always hard. Fortunate or not I happened to meet you in my life. The time is limited and we have to leave each other after a period of time. Hope you are not a ball shit.

                  来自iPhone客户端9楼2015-02-28 17:25
                    Meeting you is a big failure for me. Wash feet!!!!!!!

                    来自iPhone客户端10楼2015-03-01 12:16
                      If I came back by myself, nothing like that would happen.

                      来自iPhone客户端11楼2015-03-01 12:19
                        But seems you didn't notice anything just proud as Lucifer!

                        来自iPhone客户端12楼2015-03-01 12:20