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本人英语菜鸟级,但是要用英文写一份东西,感觉好多地方应该都有错误,有好心人帮忙修改一下嘛 嘿嘿

来自Android客户端1楼2015-01-09 11:32回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2015-01-09 11:32

      IP属地:山东3楼2015-01-09 11:58
        I have started to work forKempinski Hotel Wuxi as a secretary to Food & Beverage Director sinceSeptember of 2014.As this is my third internship place after to be a Food &Beverage trainee in ChengChuan Restaurant & Hotel, Schwyz, Switzerland andfront office trainee in Free Town Hotel, Beijing, China. Compare to theinternships that I have done for, this internship has several major differences,which means that previous internship were all in the position of front ofoffice and back of office position was provided by current internship. I neverdid such an administrative internship as I am doing now; therefore, numerous ofdifficulty came out during my working days.

        4楼2015-01-09 12:19
          As a secretary to whole Food &Beverage department, I am responsible for making Profit & Loss datacollection once a month. There are 6 restaurants in Kempinski Hotel Wuxi,Finance department forward Revenue report to Food & Beverage departmentevery month, and I am responsible for making all relevant information as a PPTversion, this is one of the difficulties to me .Although, various ofdifficulties in front of me, I could also get benefits from my works. For instance, as a secretary to Food &Beverage Director, my daily duty is assist director to deal with F&Bdepartment business and administrative work, this is a good opportunity for meto practice WORD and EXCEL which I have learned or limited practiced at school.Kempinski Hotel is a German type or Europe type hotel group, thus, everydocument in this hotel needs to be filled in two languages, one is English andthe other one is Chinese, even though some of the internal system, such aspurchasing system-iscala is all in English;inthe other hand, there were many meetings held very frequently, meeting minutesneeds to be recorded in both languages English and Chinese. Meeting minutes,such a new thing to me, I have never dealing with it in my previous internship.But I have learned the basic steps and technique of meeting minutes during mylast year of study; I am pleased to have this opportunity to practice myknowledge in the reality. In addition, setting out Memorandum is not an exceptionfrom administrative works. To ensure or based on the view of increase F&Bdepartment income, if any activities need to be held at restaurant, such as“special offer for Valentine’s Day”,” Buy 10 Buffet Dinner Vouchers get 4 forfree”, Memorandum has to be set out and approved by general manager, then publicMemorandum scan version to all relevant department by Hotel internal Gmail. Inthis case, languages which used in memorandum have to be formal or hospitalityEnglish and Chinese. My oral English can handle my daily works, but in thepaper works, I still need to work hard to ensure I could gain certain ofachievement.

          5楼2015-01-09 12:21

            来自Android客户端6楼2015-01-09 13:09

              来自Android客户端7楼2015-01-09 13:57