历史上的查理斯韦恩同样也去“查尔斯顿”这个地方打劫,并被记载。据wiki的说法,韦恩率领两艘海盗船,其中自己坐镇主船,授权手下的海盗Yeats指挥另一艘船,在查尔斯顿港口抢劫进出的船只以及货物。韦恩这么做,是为了效仿黑胡子。 然而,由于在是否打劫部分船只的问题上意见不一致,韦恩和船员们有了分歧, 导致了Yeats携带大量抢来的财务和帆船连夜逃跑了。 原文如下 Meanwhile, Vane had given command of one of his ships to a fellow pirate by the name of Yeats, and the two pillaged and looted vessels that were entering and leaving the port at Charleston, looking to emulateBlackbeard's success.[6] However, Vane created division among his crew by refusing to capture several promising vessels, leading Yeats to abscond in the night with a large portion of treasure and one of the captured brigs.[7]