—honey, wake up
—anna, leave the day! Anne, honey you gonna wake up! That’s it! I have had it! Anna, hurry up!
—what? I’m ready
—will you settle on the station please
—okay,if I just want a little stuff right here,okay?
—I don’t want my matron of honour looking like a little harlot
—come on mum, every one’s got one
—every one? Harry? Everyone has one?
—I can’t believe you! You ruining my life!
—you know what? End of discussion. Feet down
—okay, if I can drive
—find your dreamed perment?**
—no,I can’t find it
—you can’t find it?
—what did you do with this trouble?
—anna, why** blame him for everything, you couldn’t fiind anything in your room
—why do you always take his eyes? Why, but why??
—anna, let’s not do this thing, please…and fix your shirt. oh look it’s STACY
—hi mrs coman,congradulation on your big day!
—thanx a lot, say hello to your mum for me
—bye.hi girls. Why don’t you see STACY anymore? how is she?
—evil, she hates me now
—why!? would you leave your brother alone?
—see? She always starts it
—bye, honey, make good choices
—honey, wake up
—anna, leave the day! Anne, honey you gonna wake up! That’s it! I have had it! Anna, hurry up!
—what? I’m ready
—will you settle on the station please
—okay,if I just want a little stuff right here,okay?
—I don’t want my matron of honour looking like a little harlot
—come on mum, every one’s got one
—every one? Harry? Everyone has one?
—I can’t believe you! You ruining my life!
—you know what? End of discussion. Feet down
—okay, if I can drive
—find your dreamed perment?**
—no,I can’t find it
—you can’t find it?
—what did you do with this trouble?
—anna, why** blame him for everything, you couldn’t fiind anything in your room
—why do you always take his eyes? Why, but why??
—anna, let’s not do this thing, please…and fix your shirt. oh look it’s STACY
—hi mrs coman,congradulation on your big day!
—thanx a lot, say hello to your mum for me
—bye.hi girls. Why don’t you see STACY anymore? how is she?
—evil, she hates me now
—why!? would you leave your brother alone?
—see? She always starts it
—bye, honey, make good choices